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Sailing Gargoyle Explores the Galapagos – San Cristobal to Isabela Ep. 26
Sailing Gargoyle
Sailing Gargoyle Explores the Galapagos – San Cristobal to Isabela Ep. 26
After two weeks on San Cristobal Island the crew gets ready to head to Isabela Island. An overnight sail at 84 nautical miles to the West. Isabela is known as the least crowded of the Galapagos islands but during the pandemic “crowds” are a relative th...
Sailing Gargoyle Explores the Galapagos – Kicker Rock and San Cristobal Ep.25
Sailing Gargoyle
Sailing Gargoyle Explores the Galapagos – Kicker Rock and San Cristobal Ep.25
What a week it has been on San Cristobal Island. First we take our snorkeling tour of Kicker Rock aboard the Cindy Sol and swim with sea turtles as well hammerhead sharks, rays and lots of fishes. After that we take a day to run errands in the local port i...
Crazy Galapagos Check-In Ep.24
Sailing Gargoyle
Crazy Galapagos Check-In Ep.24
After a trying 9-day passage from Nicaragua, it is time for Gargoyle to check-in to the Galapagos Islands. The requirements for entry are legendary amongst cruisers, especially the need to have a pristine hull inspection. Fail the inspection and you must g...
Bluewater Passage – Sailing from Nicaragua to the Galapagos Islands Ep.23
Sailing Gargoyle
Bluewater Passage – Sailing from Nicaragua to the Galapagos Islands Ep.23
Gargoyle departed Puesta del Sol on a Friday, 201 days after arriving in Nicaragua, bound for San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands. 9 days and 7 hours later, she and her crew had sailed 1,200 upwind nautical miles through squalls, torrential rains, one apocaly...
The 48 hour Departure Marathon! Ep.22
Sailing Gargoyle
The 48 hour Departure Marathon! Ep.22
After 201 days in Nicaragua, thanks to the COVID outbreak, Gargoyle is now about ready to depart for the Galapagos Islands. The FedEx package containing the much-needed chart software as well as extra filters for the watermaker has been cleared by customs ...
Galapagos Departure – Delays. delays,  delays! Ep.21
Sailing Gargoyle
Galapagos Departure – Delays. delays, delays! Ep.21
It has been an incredibly busy week as we have run down our extensive checklist to make certain Gargoyle was 100% ready for the 8-day passage to the Galapagos Islands. We have crawled through the lockers and inspected steering cables and exercised thru hul...
Galapagos Checklist Ep.20
Sailing Gargoyle
Galapagos Checklist Ep.20
After making our decision to head down to the Galapagos Islands for a month of exploration, we now need to get Gargoyle and ourselves ready. Thanks to Javier at Yachting Galapagos, we have a full list of all requirements and we have spent the last two week...
Bluewater Cruising During the Pandemic – Decisions Decisions Decisions Ep.19
Sailing Gargoyle
Bluewater Cruising During the Pandemic – Decisions Decisions Decisions Ep.19
We prepared and planned for this journey over many years but like almost everyone, we missed the risk of a global pandemic completely altering our world as we know it. However, we have vowed that rather than hide from the new reality, we are going to embra...
Going Bonkers in the COVID Bubble Ep.18
Sailing Gargoyle
Going Bonkers in the COVID Bubble Ep.18
After sailing over 6,000 nautical miles in the first six months of our journey we have now spent the last 6 months tied to a dock in Nicaragua. COVID-19 has swept the world and just like everyone else back home, we are going a bit bonkers. Lucky for us the...