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Teak trim YouTube Videos

Showing 16-30 of 93 results
This is really happening! Final, final, final checks before we leave FOREVER!
Sailing Melody
This is really happening! Final, final, final checks before we leave FOREVER!
Learn about the thorough final checks a family undergoes before leaving the marina after an extended stay.
ONE WEEK TO GO! Can we make our sailing yacht sail?
Sailing Melody
ONE WEEK TO GO! Can we make our sailing yacht sail?
In this episode, watch as we attempt to get our roller reefing sail working on Ocean Melody! This week Chris comes over to help us make it happen - but we encounter some unexpected issues that put a bit of a spanner in the works!
It was all going so well, but then……..
Sailing Melody
It was all going so well, but then……..
Thanks for following our family on our sailing adventures. In this weeks episode we finally start installing our roller reefing but everything goes wrong. Our Sponsors and Partners Custom designed sails. Craft Insur...
STOP 🛑 Putting the brakes on this PROJECT BOAT!!
Sailing Melody
STOP 🛑 Putting the brakes on this PROJECT BOAT!!
Learn about the process of installing a robust anchoring system on your boat with step-by-step instructions. Essential tips from experts to ensure safety at sea!
We SOLD our boat : 3 years of work in one episode
Sailing Melody
We SOLD our boat : 3 years of work in one episode
Explore our incredible story of turning a dilapidated steel boat into an amazing vessel. Follow along with our restoration process and discover valuable lessons learned throughout our 3-year journey.
Sailing Melody
We want to say a HUUUUUUUGE thank you to everyone who has contributed in any way and here are the links if you'd like to help us out at all on this amazing journey. NEW MERCHENDISE! T-shirts and mugs and more coming soon. https://sailing-melody-merch.crea...
FULL TOUR 40ft Steel Pilothouse, Swing Keel, Expedition Boat PROJECT : Ebay item – 355629906796
Sailing Melody
FULL TOUR 40ft Steel Pilothouse, Swing Keel, Expedition Boat PROJECT : Ebay item – 355629906796
Steel Melody is For Sale now on Ebay Ebay item - 355629906796 We...
We made an awesome yacht cabin for our kids
Sailing Melody
We made an awesome yacht cabin for our kids
To buy Steel Melody please email Melissa : Tickets for Andy's Come-Back-And-Leave Concert here!!! DOOGEE V30Pro Rugged Phone 115COUPON+5% CO...
This is the end.  Enough is enough!
Sailing Melody
This is the end. Enough is enough!
To buy Steel Melody please email Melissa : Tickets for Andy's Come-Back-And-Leave Concert here!!! We're working really hard now on both boats to get Steel Melody re...
This will be life changing!
Sailing Melody
This will be life changing!
Find out more about the Bluetti Swap Solar setup, click this link Tickets for Andy's Come-Back-And-Leave Concert here!!!
Turning this £17k eBay boat into an offshore home!! Fitting solar panels!!
Sailing Melody
Turning this £17k eBay boat into an offshore home!! Fitting solar panels!!
Tickets for Andy's Come-Back-And-Leave Concert here!!! We're working really hard now on both boats to get Steel Melody ready to sell and Ocean Melody ready for us to head off sailing in April....
Bluewater Sailing Setup!  Fitting our AWESOME cockpit enclosure!
Sailing Melody
Bluewater Sailing Setup! Fitting our AWESOME cockpit enclosure!
Tickets for Andy's Come-Back-And-Leave Concert here!!! We're working really hard now on both boats to get Steel Melody ready to sell and Ocean Melody ready for us to head off sailing in April....
This is impossible!!! A critical job before we leave! OLD BOATS ARE DISGUSTING!!
Sailing Melody
This is impossible!!! A critical job before we leave! OLD BOATS ARE DISGUSTING!!
Tickets for Andy's Come-Back-And-Leave Concert here!!! We're working really hard now on both boats to get Steel Melody ready to sell and Ocean Melody ready for us to head off sailing in April....
This did NOT go to plan. We Failed to fit our Keel, heres WHY!!!
Sailing Melody
This did NOT go to plan. We Failed to fit our Keel, heres WHY!!!
We're working really hard now on both boats to get Steel Melody ready to sell and Ocean Melody ready for us to head off sailing in April. If you're interested in buying STEEL MELODY email To get 5% of your Autoterm heater please go...
This was DANGEROUS! Don’t make the same mistake I made!
Sailing Melody
This was DANGEROUS! Don’t make the same mistake I made!
We're working really hard now on both boats to get Steel Melody ready to sell and Ocean Melody ready for us to head off sailing in April. If you're interested in buying STEEL MELODY email To get 5% of your Autoterm heater please go...