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March 14, 2025
Sailing Nandji - Frothlyfe – Page 2

Nandji gets a SEXY new rig! Sailing Nandji, Ep 35
For more "Exclusive" Sailing Nandji videos, posts and photos, join the 'Sailing Nandji Froth Family'. Click here... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we are preparing our yacht for blue water cruising. Nandjis rigging is ol...
Broken Bones and Fresh Furlers – Sailing Nandji, Ep 36
For more "Exclusive" Sailing Nandji videos, posts and photos, join the 'Sailing Nandji Froth Family'. Click here... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we are preparing our yacht for blue water cruising. Nandjis furler is a h...
Gadgets, Halyards & Goodbye Grandpa! Sailing Nandji, Ep 37
For more "Exclusive" Sailing Nandji videos, posts and photos, join the 'Sailing Nandji Froth Family'. Click here... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we are preparing our boat for off shore blue water cruising. We get a del...
Finally setting Sail!!! Sailing Nandji, Ep 38
For more "Exclusive" Sailing Nandji videos, posts and photos, join the 'Sailing Nandji Froth Family'. Click here... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we tell the story of our friend Ginny. She is an amazing women with a gre...
We get rescued on our Shakedown Sail! Sailing Nandji, Ep 39
Published on Jun 28, 2017 For more "Exclusive" Sailing Nandji videos, posts and photos, join the 'Sailing Nandji Froth Family'. Click here... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we depart on our shakedown sail from Mooloolab...
What happened to our motor!? Sailing Nandji, Ep 40
For more "Exclusive" Sailing Nandji videos, posts and photos, join the 'Sailing Nandji Froth Family'. Click here... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we have motor issues and are rescue towed to the boatworks on the gold co...
Provisioning, Marley and our last days in Australia – Sailing Nandji, Ep 41
For more "Exclusive" Sailing Nandji videos, posts and photos, join the 'Sailing Nandji Froth Family'. Click here... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we go through the final stages of preparing Nandji and ourselves to sail ...
PROBLEMS AT SEA & 50 KNOTS! 9 Days to New Caledonia – Sailing Nandji, Ep 42
For more "Exclusive" Sailing Nandji videos, posts and photos, join the 'Sailing Nandji Froth Family'. Click here... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, We take on our greatest challenge yet and attempt to cross the Coral sea....
Fires and Boats don’t mix!! Sailing Nandji, Ep 43
For more "Exclusive" Sailing Nandji videos, posts and photos, join the 'Sailing Nandji Froth Family' and gain access to the Treasure Chest! Click here... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we arrive safely into Noumea, New Ca...
Ship Wrecks & Pina Coladas – Sailing Nandji, Ep 44
For more "Exclusive" Sailing Nandji videos, posts and photos, join the 'Sailing Nandji Froth Family' and gain access to the Treasure Chest! Click here... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, after fixing our engine issues it wa...
Meeting the world record solo sailor, Jon Sanders! & fixing the forestay – Sailing Nandji, Ep 45
For more "Exclusive" Sailing Nandji videos, posts and photos, join the 'Sailing Nandji Froth Family' and gain access to the Treasure Chest! Click here... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we had to return to Noumea for yet m...
Exploring the Worlds Largest Lagoon – Sailing Nandji, Ep 46
For more "Exclusive" Sailing Nandji videos, posts and photos, join the 'Sailing Nandji Froth Family' and gain access to the Treasure Chest! Click here... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, it is finally time to explore. We is...
Dolphins Everywhere! We are the Dolphin Kings!! Sailing Nandji, Ep 47
For more "Exclusive" Sailing Nandji videos, posts and photos, join the 'Sailing Nandji Froth Family' and gain access to the Treasure Chest! Click here... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, We adventure further south into the ...
Traditional Sailing at Isle of Pines – Sailing Nandji, Ep 48
We take a ride on outrigger canoes through the wondeful paradise of Baei De Oro... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we explore the beautiful Ilse of Pines, New Caledonia. This island is the most southern island of New Cale...
Losing our minds in Isle of Pines – Sailing Nandji, Ep 49
For more "Exclusive" Sailing Nandji videos, posts and photos, join the 'Sailing Nandji Froth Family' and gain access to the Treasure Chest! Click here... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, We sail around to the North Western ...
Solo Surfing & Attack of the Sea Snake! – Sailing Nandji, Ep 50
For more "Exclusive" Sailing Nandji videos, posts and photos, join the 'Sailing Nandji Froth Family' and gain access to the Treasure Chest! Click here... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, it is finally time to go chasing som...
The challenges of travelling – Sailing Nandji, Ep 51
Travelling is challenging at times in a foreign country, that is part of the fun! We sail to the city, prepare the boat, provision and check out of New Caledonia... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we try to sail south eas...
Hand steering to Vanuatu – Sailing Nandji, Ep 52
We embark on a 250 nautical mile sail from New Caledonia across the deep Hebrides trench to Vanuatu. Hand steering for 3 days & 2 nights, just the two of us... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we check out of New Caled...
Island life Vanuatu, Take it slow, (Sailing Nandji) Ep 53
Settling into island life, we explore the beautiful island of Tanna, Vanuatu. Take a step back in time... In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we check ourselves into Vanuatu at a small village on the west coast of Tanna islan...
Extreme VOLCANO Cooking – Sailing Nandji, Ep 54
We climb one of the WORLDS most active VOLCANO's, spitting lava. Then go cooking in the boiling hot springs... CLICK THE BELL to know when NEW Nandji Videos are up! In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we rise at 2am to cli...
No Wind No Motor, Drifting at Sea – Ep 55, Sailing Nandji
We sail 130nm from Tanna island to Efate island with no engine and have some exciting Marlin fishing on the way. Arriving safely, we set off island style on a drive around the island... CLICK THE BELL to know when NEW Nandji ...
LlVE and Frothing with Sailing Nandji… Sort of…
Yosh and I have been trying our hardest to bring a live chat to you guys! After 4 failed attempts and one unexpected working event we have come to the conclusion that there is no wifi good enough on this island to live stream.
Bikini Babes at Cascades Waterfall, Sailing Nandji Ep 56
In this episode we have been having motor issues and get the experts around to inspect Nandjis motor. We initially thought we had a majour rebuild on our hands but with a closer look it may not be as bad as what we first though. We order new parts to elim...
Ziplining and Horse riding our yacht motor issues away! Sailing Nandji Ep 57
Our sailboat motor is broken, we are stuck in Vanuatu and decide to play tourist for the day, Ziplining and Horse riding our way happy again . Bonita is scared of heights and Yosh is scared of horses, so it was a fear conquering day for all! We are a you...
DEVASTATING BLOWS! How much more can we take? Sailing Nandji, Ep 58
We are faced with some difficult decisions in some challenging times about our future. We hope we make the right choices... With engine issues plaguing our progress on departing Port Vila and leaving the cyclone prone area, w...
Installing our New Windvane! How GOOD is this!! Sailing Nandji, Ep 59
We install our new Hydrovane that was fully supported from our followers! With Robert Kirken on the transom of Nandji, we take it for a test run! In this episode of Sailing Nandji, Christmas comes early as we receive and ins...
Dealing with customs, Bustin out of Vanuatu! – Sailing Nandji, Ep 60
Finally we prepare Nandji to depart Port Villa and sail north to Santo island. We try to check out of the country with Customs, but they won't let us go! In this episode of Sailing Nandji, the time has finally come to prepare...
King Neptune loves Rum! Sailing to Santa Cruz islands – Sailing Nandji, Ep 61
Departiung Vanuatu, we sail North 350nm to the remote Santa Cruz islands. The journey takes us 4 days and on Passage, Yosh hooks a monster! In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we leave the waters of Vanuatu and sail north for ...
Swapping Booze for Diesel with the POLICE!! Remote Santa Cruz Islands – Sailing Nandji, Ep 62
We try to depart the Santa Cruz islands on route to Honiara but have no wind... With no cash and no way of getting any, it is time to hustle with the police! In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we are at the beautiful Nendo is...
Squall Sailing and pirate scare Solomon Islands – Sailing Nandji, Ep 63
We leave the Santa Cruz Islands and sail over 400nm to Honiara, Solomon Islands. With little wind, little fuel, head winds and lots of Squalls, will we make it in time to get our dog Marley??? Who are these 10 huge men approaching in a fast boat?? COMMENT ...
Importing our pet Whippet, Marley is Back!! Sailing Nandji, Ep 64
Marley is back! The process of importing a dog to another country is very difficult and we explain the steps we went though in organising our Whippet's travel. In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we are re-united with our pet ...
Christmas on a Sail boat, Florida Islands – Sailing Nandji, Ep 65
Christmas on a sail boat, in the Solomon Islands! Visiting a village, WW2 relics, diving, playing with the kids and trading with the many visiting canoes! Nandji Life In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we prepare Nandji for s...
Removing Shaft in Water without SInking!! – Sailing Nandji, Ep 66
We remove the drive shaft in water and replace a bearing behind the stuffing box. Then raft up with two other vessels in the stunning anchorage of Tokoyo Bay. In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we head to Sesape boat yard in ...
Cheeky Boat Convoy through the Jungle – Sailing Nandji, Ep 67
After some Crocodile hunting... We boat convoy our way through the skinny Mboli Passage in the Florida islands. With thick jungle on both sides, this place felt straight from Jurassic Park. In this episode of Sailing Nandji,...
Buy a 30ft Boat & Cross the Pacific for less than 13k, They Did! – Sailing Nandji, Ep 68
We interview the young German captain and his crew onboard the 30ft sailboat Fara. He bought a vessel for 5.5k and sailed across the Pacific ocean. In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we decided to put the Captain and crew of...