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Tranquil YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 18 results
Soothing and relaxing. These birds are just enjoying this birdbath in our front yard. Watch & Chill
The Adventure Travelers
Soothing and relaxing. These birds are just enjoying this birdbath in our front yard. Watch & Chill
Bob Marley‘s song, three Little birds, really captures this tranquil and relaxing setting of birds chilling out in our front yard birdbath. Love it. #Birds #Birdbath. 
Salt & Tar: Ep.293- Week Sea Legs
Salt & Tar
Salt & Tar: Ep.293- Week Sea Legs
After a week at sea we reach Bahia de los Muertos in Baja California Sur. We had no idea where we'd make landfall but reconnecting with friends on a beach we think of fondly sounded perfect 👌 Thanks for watching! p.s. I try and reply to as many comment...
Ep 318 | NO WIND on 8-Day PASSAGE from Rowley Shoals to Darwin, Sailing Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 318 | NO WIND on 8-Day PASSAGE from Rowley Shoals to Darwin, Sailing Nutshell
The weather improves a little, so we decide to go snorkelling on the reef. The currents are very strong, and we change our minds and do a drift snorkel instead. The weather sets in, and the anchorage inside Mermaid Reef is very rolly. With no good weather...
Ep 317 | 1000s of DOLPHINS Welcome Us to the Rowley Shoals, Sailing Nutshell, Western Australia
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 317 | 1000s of DOLPHINS Welcome Us to the Rowley Shoals, Sailing Nutshell, Western Australia
We continue on our passage to Mermaid Reef in the Rowley Shoals. On arrival, Border Force approaches us, which is quite an intimidating experience. We slowly make our way into the pass at Mermaid Reef, and the weather turns… doesn’t it always! We se...
Ep 275 | It’s Finally Time to Take the Engine Out! Darwin, Sailing Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 275 | It’s Finally Time to Take the Engine Out! Darwin, Sailing Nutshell
It’s time. Magnus decides that he needs to start disconnecting the engine from Nutshell. It’s a laborious task but he eventually manages to do it. Then it’s off to the lock towed by three dinghies. It’s a tricky journey with million dollar yachts ...
Ep 271 | We Made it to Darwin! Sailing Nutshell, Australia
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 271 | We Made it to Darwin! Sailing Nutshell, Australia
We leave Alcaro Bay and make our way to Cape Hotham. We check out the nearby creek. Then it’s the technical sail through the Vernon Islands and on to Darwin. As soon as we arrive in Darwin we get on a flight to Brisbane and then on to the Whitsundays t...
Ep 270 | Amazing Natural Phenomenon, Coral in Popham Creek, Sailing Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 270 | Amazing Natural Phenomenon, Coral in Popham Creek, Sailing Nutshell
We head out in Peanut to check out the nearby creek in Popham Bay. We’ve heard that there’s coral in the creek which is really unusual. With a successfully recce we wake early and head into the network of creeks amongst the mangroves in an attempt to ...
Ep 252 | How We Feel Safe. Coastal Navigation in Dangerous Places, Sailing Nutshell, Australia
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 252 | How We Feel Safe. Coastal Navigation in Dangerous Places, Sailing Nutshell, Australia
We leave Portland Roads and get ready for three ‘big’ days of sailing on our way to Seisha. The gearbox is failing, yet again, so we are gingerly making our way, using the wind as much as possible. Magnus has a chat about the Raspberry Pi which he ha...
Ep 251 | Reefs Everywhere! Tricky Sailing to Portland Roads, Sailing Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 251 | Reefs Everywhere! Tricky Sailing to Portland Roads, Sailing Nutshell
After exploring the stunning Aboriginal rock art on Stanley Island we set off to take a peek at the camping area. The available facilities are great but the discarded aluminium cans and rubbish are a little upsetting. We then plan our sailing route for t...
Ep 249 | Scariest Time Ever! 50 Knot Winds and a Stuck Furler, Sailing Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 249 | Scariest Time Ever! 50 Knot Winds and a Stuck Furler, Sailing Nutshell
After the lovely sail through the Owen Channel we decide to anchor for the night. The wind is howling. But, disaster strikes when Magnus tries to furl the headsail. Something is very wrong. We go backwards and forwards into the wind to try and furl it bu...
Ep 247 | Sailing to Hope Island and Cooktown, Sailing Nutshell, Australia
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 247 | Sailing to Hope Island and Cooktown, Sailing Nutshell, Australia
We sail to Hope Island and go ashore to have a look around. The beach is covered with plastic pollution. We have a go at beach cricket and return to Nutshell. Then a sail to Cooktown. Magnus installs new galley taps on Nutshell. Thanks for watching an...
Ep 246 | Hunting Mud Crabs, Port Douglas, Sailing Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 246 | Hunting Mud Crabs, Port Douglas, Sailing Nutshell
We head out on Peanut to check on the mud nets which Magnus has set. Wow! We are lucky to catch quite a few crabs, the first time for many months. Wendy makes yummy bread rolls to go with the delicious mud crabs. We leave Port Douglas and make our way ou...
Ep 243 | Waiting for Wind at Dunk Island, Sailing Nutshell, Australia
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 243 | Waiting for Wind at Dunk Island, Sailing Nutshell, Australia
With no engine we are slaves to the wind, or lack of it! We end up waiting at Dunk Island for quite a while until the wind finally picks up… a little. We check out the island and do the walk to the lookout, which is well worth it. We are surrounded by w...
Ep 242 | We’re Stuck! Gearbox Failure. No Wind! No Power! No Solar! Garden Island, Sailing Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 242 | We’re Stuck! Gearbox Failure. No Wind! No Power! No Solar! Garden Island, Sailing Nutshell
We leave the Hinchinbrook Channel and stop off at the local IGA to pick up supplies for the next few days. But it has not been without drama… whilst in the channel the gearbox starts to leak and we don’t know the exact cause of it. We decide to head ...
Ep 240 | Our Windlass is Broken! Hinchinbrook Channel, Sailing Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 240 | Our Windlass is Broken! Hinchinbrook Channel, Sailing Nutshell
We decide to change our anchorage and putt around the corner to another creek in the Hinchinbrook Channel. We take Peanut out to have a look around and explore this majestic place. In a previous episode, Magnus noted that the windlass was leaking oil, s...