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Soup YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
A Simple and Delicious One Pot Meal: Spanish Bean Soup | Paragon’s Favourite Stuff Ep. 9
A Simple and Delicious One Pot Meal: Spanish Bean Soup | Paragon’s Favourite Stuff Ep. 9
The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Full Recipe in the Description Below ⬇️⬇️⬇️ A warm soup for a cold evening that is simple, delicious, an...
Ep 163 | Signs, Flag, Clutch Fix, Final Preparations for Tonga Departure, Sailing South Pacific
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 163 | Signs, Flag, Clutch Fix, Final Preparations for Tonga Departure, Sailing South Pacific
We start to make preparations for leaving the Kingdom of Tonga to sail to Norfolk Island via the beautiful Minerva Reef. We’ve heard that the crayfish are fabulous on the south reef so we’re going to check it out. We pick up a few last minute food sup...
Salt & Tar: Episode 51-From Plank to Soup
Salt & Tar
Salt & Tar: Episode 51-From Plank to Soup
This episode takes you through some typical work days; wake up, coffee, work on the boat, maybe a supply run, work on the boat, try not to forget to eat lunch, then clean up, sleep, dream about working on the boat. This is boat life. It'll be nice when we ...
Cooking Onboard: Ham & Potato Soup
Onboard Lifestyle
Cooking Onboard: Ham & Potato Soup
The seasons are changing and so is Linh's menu onboard our custom 435 catamaran sv basik. This was the perfect meal for a crisp fall night. Come back next time to see what Linh will be serving...see you then! If you are interested in helping us produce th...