Peanut YouTube Videos
Showing 1-14 of 14 results

Ep 346 | PIMPING Peanut, Broome, Sailing Nutshell, Australia
We now set about the task of finding a new Peanut which will be suitable and safe enough for our trip to the Kimberley. It’s tough trying to find a tinnie in Broome as there isn’t much around. Broome itself is actually a small town. It’s expensive t...
Ep 345 | Our SADDEST Day Afloat, Sailing Nutshell
The huge seas and high winds are not letting up. The ocean is horrible and Peanut is having a tough time. Without her engine she is not as stable as she used to be. In the middle of the night disaster happens. Peanut is completely underwater… … After...
Ep 344 | Can We SAVE Her! Sailing Nutshell
We make the huge decision to leave Indonesia rather than renew our visas. We have decided instead to return to the Kimberley and explore the places we didn’t get to before and to revisit the locations which we loved the most. We have a few days to get e...
Ep 327 | Our New Anchor Arrives! Sailing Nutshell, Darwin
We are in the marina and ticking off the boat jobs. Magnus replaces the deteriorated fuel line on Nutshell. We get our new red Altex bottom paint ready to up on the careening poles. We also score a few not quite out-of-date flares which will be great fo...
Ep 326 | We GO CRABBING in Peanut! Sailing Nutshell, Darwin
It’s time to do a bit of exploring so we pop out of the marina and head over to the nearby mangroves in Peanut to go crabbing. It's good to be back out on the water and doing what we love. Magnus has gleaned some high-level crabbing tips from a seasoned...
Ep 310 | Leaving Broome and Sailing South, Dampier Archipelago
We head to shore to sort out the broken shaft and catch up on provisioning. Peanut gets a bit of TLC with a new ‘bumper’ and good cleanup. Friends arrive onboard and we leave Broome and head south on our way to Dampier. Whales are everywhere. We ca...
Ep 309 | Peanut Saves Us and Tows Us 160 Miles to Broome, Sailing Nutshell
After finally managing to make it through Whirlpool Pass we tuck into a bay at Dunvert island, just on the other side and have a well earned rest. The next day Magnus looks at all of our options and we decide that the best thing to do is to head out to se...
Ep 277 | Will the New Volvo Engine Start? Darwin, Sailing Nutshell
We head down to Noonamah to continue with the offsite boat jobs. Magnus goes over the new Volvo engine to make sure that everything is tickety boo and also checks to see if the new gearbox will fit. Wendy fits new pool noodles to Peanut. The engine bay ...
Ep 276 | Will the New Engine Fit? Darwin, Sailing Nutshell
Magnus begins the task of removing all of the old wiring and unnecessary stuff from the engine bay. We head to Noonamah to do work on Peanut’s captain collars. It’s also time to check if the old gearbox will fit the new Volvo engine. We have a leak i...
Ep 275 | It’s Finally Time to Take the Engine Out! Darwin, Sailing Nutshell
It’s time. Magnus decides that he needs to start disconnecting the engine from Nutshell. It’s a laborious task but he eventually manages to do it. Then it’s off to the lock towed by three dinghies. It’s a tricky journey with million dollar yachts ...
Ep 271 | We Made it to Darwin! Sailing Nutshell, Australia
We leave Alcaro Bay and make our way to Cape Hotham. We check out the nearby creek. Then it’s the technical sail through the Vernon Islands and on to Darwin. As soon as we arrive in Darwin we get on a flight to Brisbane and then on to the Whitsundays t...
Ep 260 | Sailing Across the Gulf of Carpentaria, Sailing Nutshell, Australia
After we receive our second COVID shots, it’s finally time to leave Weipa and head west. We do the final preparations for the off and set sail across the Gulf of Carpentaria. The wind has been 30 knots for the past few weeks, but when we leave it dies d...
Ep 228 | The Great Barrier Reef, Beauty and Wonder, Sailing Nutshell
We leave the beautiful Langford Island and Langford Reef and make our way out to the Great Barrier Reef, namely, Bait Reef and Hook Reef. Nutshell gets a good clean and we take Peanut out and about to look around and to try and find a pathway through the ...