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Cindy sol YouTube Videos

Showing 1-2 of 2 results
Sailing Gargoyle Explores the Galapagos – Kicker Rock and San Cristobal Ep.25
Sailing Gargoyle
Sailing Gargoyle Explores the Galapagos – Kicker Rock and San Cristobal Ep.25
What a week it has been on San Cristobal Island. First we take our snorkeling tour of Kicker Rock aboard the Cindy Sol and swim with sea turtles as well hammerhead sharks, rays and lots of fishes. After that we take a day to run errands in the local port i...
Crazy Galapagos Check-In Ep.24
Sailing Gargoyle
Crazy Galapagos Check-In Ep.24
After a trying 9-day passage from Nicaragua, it is time for Gargoyle to check-in to the Galapagos Islands. The requirements for entry are legendary amongst cruisers, especially the need to have a pristine hull inspection. Fail the inspection and you must g...