Cape Verde Islands YouTube Videos
Showing 1-15 of 68 results

Fishing, Frying, Fixing & Flipping | Out On A Sailing Excursion | Winded Voyage 4 | Episode 96 |
After a wake up call of what it's like to sail in these Cape Verdean waters by breaking something, we sail into a favorite bay of ours to make repairs. Our man Peixe begins by fishing for dinner. Then cooking a fried fish dinner under an orange sky. And i...
Last Minute Fixes A Going Away Party | And A Serious Open Sea Trial | Winded Voyage 4 | Episode 95
After Gilson successfully changed my Cutlass bearing, we had to go and test drive Galopin. But before all that, we saved a boat from drifting. Organized a going away party for Peter. Cast off Peter and Ayrton on their journey across the Atlantic to Nova Sc...
We Got Away From The Pandemic | By Going To The Most Amazing Island | Winded Voyage 4 | Episode 91
Covid19 is sill holding us hostage with our sailboats. But that doesn't mean we cant go out to sea. So we took the ferry across the Sao Vicente Canal to the island of Santa Antao. One of the most spectacular Cape Verde islands.The pandemic is still with us...
Lock Down Is Over The wind Is Not | Pandemic In Cabo Verde Africa | Winded Voyage 4 | Episode 82
The lock down is finally over on the island of Sao Vicente in Cabo Verde Africa. But the wind keeps on blowing harder than ever. Boats get tossed around in Marina Mindelo but the staff and crew managed the crisis in Cape Verde fashion, no stress. And final...
Sailors Stand By Stand Each Other I Living The Pandemic In Cape Verde | Winded Voyage 4 | Episode 78
It's the beginning of the pandemic and as sailors we are grounded at anchor or at the marina. Cargo is still being unloaded, but a cruise ship and super yacht could not disembark. With luck, I move into the marina and it's a game changer. Shore power, wate...
Living In The City | Docking For The First Time At The Port Of Praia | Winded Voyage 4 | Episode 75
Everyone says "Don't Go To Praia!" Well we did. We sailed into the bay and moored at the fishing pier next to fishermen. The beauty of living on a sailboat is that you can live one day near a deserted beach and the next in a busy city harbour. We are livi...
Drinking Rum Where Pirates Once Drank | Anchored In History Then & Now | Winded Voyage4 | Episode 74
This is one of the best anchorages in Cape Verde. But a good anchorage is only as good as your anchoring, so I go down and check. As well I check out Cidade Velha, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The location of the anchorage. One of the most significant pla...
Pirates Anchored Here | This May Be The Best Anchorage In Cape Verde | Winded Voyage 4 | Episode 73
So far seven out of ten Cape Verdean islands I've sailed to and anchored, this may be the best spot to anchor. Santiago island is he largest of all the archipelago. There is much to see, and in this episode we see some more like the city of Assomada and th...
I Met The Nicest People Ever Here | Random Acts Of Village Kindness | Winded Voyage 4 | Episode 72
We have found a paradise of goodness in the village of Ribiera de Barca. It's rare that sailors anchor in front of their village, and we are welcome like royalty. Kids swim out to say hello, fishermen come for coffee and girls come for a beer and curious t...
Girl Visits A Classic Ship | Going Aboard History & Beyond | Winded Voyage 4 | Episode 66
Sometimes sister luck parks itself right next to your boat and opportunity knocks. We are in Tarrafal on Santiago Island and Dutch schooner Oosterschelde weigh anchor besides us. I'd met the Captain in a few days ago in Mindelo, and as he passed by with hi...
I Think I’m Going To Be Sick | Life On A Sailboat Sucks | Winded Voyage 4 | Episode 65
Sometimes good times get the better of us. But not during our passage to Santiago Island. We waited for the right conditions and the wait paid off. Beautiful conditions for the three of us to reflect that f good times in Mindelo. Once anchored in Tarrafal ...
Sights and Sounds of CAPE VERDE! DRIFTING Ep. 13
Sights and Sounds of CAPE VERDE! I set sail for the Cape Verde Islands without any preconceived notions or expectations. On arrival, the islands pleasantly surprised me on a number of different levels. Enjoy this short video of the sights and sounds of Min...
Winded Voyage 4 | Episode 60 | The City, The People And The Ocean
Being out in the middle of the ocean is a very lonely place, and being in the middle of the city is quite the opposite. Nat and I are with a few very special people in Praia. Namely Manu, a Cape Verdean native who lives in Marseille France, and in Praia. H...
Winded Voyage 4 | Episode 57 | I Lost My Boat
It's something that can happen to any sailor. This is the story of Jurgen, German solo sailor who left his boat at anchor for a couple of hours only to come back and find his boat had disappeared. A few moments later he received a call and was told his boa...