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Boat travel YouTube Videos

Showing 556-564 of 564 results
Winded Voyage | Episode 32 | Into The Mouth Of Bonifacio
Winded Voyage Sailing
Winded Voyage | Episode 32 | Into The Mouth Of Bonifacio
The medieval city Bonifacio teeters on top of tall limestone cliffs overlooking the sea on the island of Corsica. It has to be one of the most spectacular port entrances to sail into. But before arriving at this impressive sight, we left Sardinia cruising ...
Winded Voyage | Episode 31 | Stuck In Sardinian Paradise
Winded Voyage Sailing
Winded Voyage | Episode 31 | Stuck In Sardinian Paradise
We're stuck on the very southern tip of Sardinia due to force 7+ Beaufort scale winds at a town called Villasimius near Capo Carbonara. We haven't been on land for three days so a walk around in the sand and rocks felt great. We got acquainted with our nei...
Winded Voyage | Episode 30 | Tuna For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Winded Voyage Sailing
Winded Voyage | Episode 30 | Tuna For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Part three of our journey of a 1000M takes us across the southern Mediterranean from Minorca island to Sardinia. A three day passage that is highlighted by fishing two big tunas, magnificent sunrise sailing, dodging giant cargo ships and gusty slap in the ...
Winded Voyage | Episode 29 | West vs. East Coast Minorca
Winded Voyage Sailing
Winded Voyage | Episode 29 | West vs. East Coast Minorca
Here is part two of our twenty-one days at sea to complete our required 1000 nautical miles for the Swiss Competence for Ocean Yachting license.  We explore a bit of Ciutadella. Learn about lighthouse signals from our skipper Nico. We cruise all around th...
Winded Voyage | Episode 28 | Crossing To Minorca
Winded Voyage Sailing
Winded Voyage | Episode 28 | Crossing To Minorca
Winded Voyage is really under way! No turning back. We haven't been on land since we left Port Leucate France. We leave mainland Spain behind for our first major passage. First overnight sail for me and Steph. I though it would be somewhat intimidating to ...
Winded Voyage | Episode 27 |  Tested As A Lake Sailor
Winded Voyage Sailing
Winded Voyage | Episode 27 | Tested As A Lake Sailor
The 1000M around the Mediterranean journey starts in Switzerland and quickly takes us to Port Leucate to prepare for the journey. I'm with my brother Stephane as we are determined to get our Swiss Maritime licence. We meet friends, fix a few things get pro...
Winded Voyage | Episode 26 | Dock, Tack, Jibe & M.O.B Demos
Winded Voyage Sailing
Winded Voyage | Episode 26 | Dock, Tack, Jibe & M.O.B Demos
We are off to sail 1000M in the Med for 3 weeks. It's not part of this episode, but will be coming up next. Meanwhile, in this episode, sailing coach François demonstrates port manœuvres and I take on the Man Over Board exercise. The weather is stil cold...
Winded Voyage | Episode 25 | On Course To Sail Legally
Winded Voyage Sailing
Winded Voyage | Episode 25 | On Course To Sail Legally
I passed the theory test! And there's more. Eye test, hearing test, first aid course. And now I must do the lake sailing license. In this episode I'll take you on a short flashback in my home town of Lausanne Switzerland. And it's on to the water with a sa...
Winded Voyage | Episode 24 | Good Sailor Neighbors
Winded Voyage Sailing
Winded Voyage | Episode 24 | Good Sailor Neighbors
Finding peace and solitude by going solo is one thing, but when sailing you’ll inevitably find friends. They’re generally all helpful, generous, knowledgable, interesting, brave and congenial. We’ll meet a few of my new friends that help, party and w...