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007: Bought a Sail Boat, Quit Jobs, Rented House, Sold Car, Kids taken out of School :007
August 19, 2017
007: Bought a Sail Boat, Quit Jobs, Rented House, Sold Car, Kids taken out of School :007

007: Bought a Sail Boat, Quit Jobs, Rented House, Sold Car, Kids taken out of School :007

007: Bought a Sail Boat, Quit Jobs, Rented House, Sold Car, Kids taken out of School :007

We’ve moved several steps on to getting afloat – we’ve sold the car –
(which was way more emotional than we imagined) advertised the house and at long last bought a boat! It’s an Amel Super Maramu (exactly like the SV Delos crew as everyone keeps telling us) but in all the chaos, as much as we try and keep the kids busy and entertained during the summer holidays, the kids have gone a bit wild.


The boat sale has gone through. We have bought an Amel 53-foot yachts. I think we celebrated I can’t remember. I think we opened a bottle champagne didn’t we?

It’s really exciting we’re finally going but it’s really stressful because I’m trying to so many things before we go. My little one’s at home today because he’s not going anywhere. I can’t arrange for him to go somewhere every day but he quite likes being at home, he plays really well.

The school holidays don’t feel like school holidays at all because I’ve got a massive list of things to move out of his house. We have to do a lot of maintenance before we go so the children – I’ve organised for them to do lots of things.

So I just don’t feel like I’m really spending much time with the kids at all. My brother came to visit. My mum came because she likes to be here when there’s chaos. I’ve had my friend from Hong Kong here with her three girls. She only comes once a year so I have to squeeze that in. Any other friends that are local pretty much had to deal with me painting while I’m trying to chat to them.

The kids have gone a little bit feral. I haven’t really been going out with them every day, they just kind of have to work it out really. I’ve tried to arrange activities for them when I can.

So Woody is really busy in the workshop knocking everything together because we’re having a huge sale on Sunday to sell any of the surplus stock and bits of furniture from his business Rat and Pallet.

Our Mazda Bongo Friendy has been sold to another family that are going to make the most of it. Hopefully they’ll go on a lot of camping trips. It does have a lot of sentimental value. We’ve been on lots of adventures with it. Since the kids were really young we’ve been on a lot of camping trips – lots of photos from all over England of us in that van sometimes in the rain, sometimes in the sun. I don’t think the kids can quite believe that we’ve actually sold the car and it was getting driven off. So it was kind of sad to see it go. The car was 16 years old – we had it imported from Japan and we made a lot of good use of it.

So we’ve got the house listed – we’ve got lots of people interested. There is a family coming today which would be our ideal thing. I’ve been cutting grass, cutting hedges, cleaning paths, doing the decking, trying to tidy up around the kids. This house will be properly packed up, properly maintained and in a couple weeks time I’m gonna start the actual packing.

The lifeboat’s being pretty quiet. There was a Shout I didn’t go out on. It was a fishing boat that sunk. On the lifeguarding job, yeah it was quite busy day we rescued a dog in the morning – or helped rescue it – and found its owner and then in the afternoon there was a boat that was in difficulty and they needed a bit of moral support.

Right, so now I’m going to pick up the kids – they’re doing their athletics and I promised I’d go and watch them do their races at the end so I’ve kind of got to finish my job’s early to go and do that but I do feel that I need to go and see them.


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Coming Soon!

007: Bought a Sail Boat, Quit Jobs, Rented House, Sold Car, Kids taken out of School :007 Locations

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