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The Coming Financial Collapse.  How it will affect our future.  Steps we have taken to prepare.
February 23, 2020
The Coming Financial Collapse.  How it will affect our future.  Steps we have taken to prepare.

The Coming Financial Collapse. How it will affect our future. Steps we have taken to prepare.

The Coming Financial Collapse.  How it will affect our future.  Steps we have taken to prepare.

If you are like us, you believe the economy and the stock market has been pushed to inflated “bubble” prices by all of the world banks simultaneously printing money at record speeds, all in an attempt to keep interest rates at record lows and keep the longest bull market in recorded history going. With record government and personal debts threatening to bring the whole house of cards collapsing down the governments have pushed the Quantitative Easing and money printing into high gear and it has gotten so ridiculous that in many areas of the world the government bonds actually have a negative interest rate. That is right! You lend the government money for 10 years and instead of getting interest, you pay interest for them to take your money! How can anyone look at that and not think we are not in a huge bubble?

If you are not aware of this and want a great youtube channel to get up to speed, one of the best I have found is a guy called George Gammon. Check out his channel and you will probably find that he can teach you a lot and all in an entertaining and quick way on a multitude of topics. If you are not a believer, I am sure you soon will be as George comes at you will all the stats to back up the ridiculous financial state our governments have gotten us into.

It’s not a matter of IF the bubble will burst, but WHEN. It could happen with a slower fashion as people lose faith in their local currencies and paper money soon becomes almost worthless (such as what happened in Venezuela) or it could happen quickly with a black swan event that causes the economy to slow enough that the whole house of cards comes crashing down overnight. That black swan event could be the Coronavirus?

We will tell you what we have been doing to prepare and to minimize the pain that will certainly come from a financial collapse. We believe that this next financial collapse will make the 2008-2009 collapse seem small in comparison.

Let us know in the comments what your thoughts are on the topic. If you don’t see a collapse coming, tell us why you think that as well.

We are just forewarning you of the impending collapse but we do not relish it. We will also be harshly impacted by any collapse as our pensions that we will depend on to live on in the future will be affected as they are fully invested in the broader market.

Best wishes to all of us in the coming years,
Craig and Janice

The Coming Financial Collapse. How it will affect our future. Steps we have taken to prepare. Locations

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