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YouTube Videos

Showing 1-11 of 11 results
ANCHOR WINDLASS STRIP & ASSEMBLE – Quick Argo entire winch assembly
Catamaran Impi
Published: Mar 01, 2019
ANCHOR WINDLASS STRIP & ASSEMBLE – Quick Argo entire winch assembly
READ THIS DESCRIPTION FOR BEST OPTIONS: Catamaran Impi is sailing around the world. For Impi, cruising pleasure comes from doing preventative maintenance projects and this is about our QUICK windlass strip and assemble project with a 10 year old windlass...
S A I L to P A R A D I S E (short movie list) New Caledonia / Oro & Gadji
Catamaran Impi
Published: Nov 30, 2018
S A I L to P A R A D I S E (short movie list) New Caledonia / Oro & Gadji
Hi E V E R Y O N E ! This is one of our short R E A L T I M E movies showing recent events. In this video we share our experiences in this week - all footage was taken this week. We sail the M A J E S T I C waters of N E W C A L E D O N I A and are joine...
Pt  1  Sailing With A Heart
Catamaran Impi
Published: Nov 22, 2017
Pt 1 Sailing With A Heart
PART 1 of a 2 part series - Sailing With A Heart ! You may have heard of the ABANDONED ISLAND DOG called MOOSE! Impi is sailing around the world and New Caledonia has become our most 'returned to country', not only for its beauty and amazing friendships fo...
OPERATION DOG – Ile des Pins – Sailing New Caledonia
Catamaran Impi
Published: Nov 05, 2017
OPERATION DOG – Ile des Pins – Sailing New Caledonia
LAST PART OF VIDEO NOT FOR SENSITIVE VIEWERS Sailing around the world and having been at sea for 6 years now, I would say the island 'Ile Des Pins' is a jewel in the crown of the best islands to be found anywhere in the world. Sadly - this is not paradise ...
Help Us to Help Others
Catamaran Impi
Published: Oct 30, 2017
Help Us to Help Others
GO FUND THIS: Stunningly beautiful Ile des Pins in New Caledonia - hides an ugly secret behind its magnificent blues of sky and water. The beauty of nature is outstanding here, however up until now, the ...
Catamaran Impi
Published: Jul 05, 2017
Brent and Ana are a couple sailing around the world on their catamaran IMPI. Sailing into Australia has proved this country to be one of the friendliest countries we have visited, and in this video we hope to capture that friendliness, some technical work ...
Catamaran Impi
Published: Mar 29, 2017
Hi everybody - Impi is a catamaran sailing around the world having left South Africa a number of years ago. Here we are sailing the east coast of Australia, and in this episode, we sail from Moreton Island (Tangalooma) across Moreton Bay for Scarborough Ma...
Catamaran Impi
Published: Mar 17, 2017
HI EVERYONE: We are a catamaran sailing around the world. PART 1. LITHIUM BATTERY INSTALLATION FOR IMPI In this series we are doing something different, and mostly because our followers on You Tube have requested us to do so on a number of occasions, so...
Passage New Caledonia for Loyalty Islands
Catamaran Impi
Published: Aug 16, 2016
Passage New Caledonia for Loyalty Islands
Impi is a catamaran sailing around the world. We share some techniques in navigation we use to sail in reef infested waters confidently - we are preparing to sail from New Caledonia for The Loyalty Islands and will anchor off the SE side of New Caledonia i...
Escape to Island MAITRE – Impi sails in New Caledonia
Catamaran Impi
Published: Aug 27, 2015
Escape to Island MAITRE – Impi sails in New Caledonia
Was I chased in the water by a sea snake? Catamaran Impi is sailing around the world. This is one of many visits to islands in New Caledonia. The footage features a stroll around the entire island, some yoga on the sandy spits, kite surfing, Sea Snakes, th...
IMPI sails to AMEDEE ISLAND – New Caledonia
Catamaran Impi
Published: Aug 17, 2015
IMPI sails to AMEDEE ISLAND – New Caledonia
Sailing around the world, this video is our 2nd in New Caledonia. Here we visit a little island called Amedee which is spectacular, boasts a historic lighthouse and a vibe that captures the soul. One of our nights sees Impi tugging at the mooring lines in ...