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Sailing United Kingdom YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Our Sailing Boat Floods (in Dartmouth)
Sailing Cadoha
Our Sailing Boat Floods (in Dartmouth)
Sailing boat flooding mini drama to one side, a serious question for all of you, is this THE most beautiful port to sail into, in England?! It certainly makes dealing with boat drama more bearable when you're surrounded by this much beauty! We also want t...
Sailing alone in the UK E15
Sailing Cadoha
Sailing alone in the UK E15
*** NEW WEBSITE - NOW LIVE *** (August 2020) If you'd like to know more about us, our plans, our boat and this adventure, then be sure to check out our new website here: Sailing our boat alone in the UK (United Kingdom) af...
Is this really UK sailing?! Ep: 14
Sailing Cadoha
Is this really UK sailing?! Ep: 14
When sailing around the UK feels more like sailing around the Mediterranean, what an amazing time we have sailing our boat along the south coast of the UK, to a beautiful little harbour town of Fowey. Follow along on our adventure, living on a sailing bo...