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Sailing lesson YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 28 results
The Famous Washing Machine in the Bahamas! | Sailing Sunday vlog 247
Sailing Sunday
The Famous Washing Machine in the Bahamas! | Sailing Sunday vlog 247
Explore the famous Washing Machine at Shroud Key in the beautiful Exumas of the Bahamas. This thrilling tourist hotspot is not to be missed by water sports enthusiasts and nature lovers alike!
You need to ALWAYS do this!
Dylan Magaster
You need to ALWAYS do this!
In this informative YT short, learn one of the essential basics of sailing - always having a stopper knot at the bitter end of your rope. Discover the figure-eight knot, a simple and common stopper knot that every sailor should know. Understand the crucial...
Can you do this? #ropeskills #knotstoknow
Dylan Magaster
Can you do this? #ropeskills #knotstoknow
Witness the finesse of an expert sailor, Dylan Magaster on SV Arianrhod in this impressive YT short as they effortlessly execute a perfect figure-eight knot on their very first attempt. Demonstrating skill, precision, and experience, this brief clip is a t...
How to clean up lines on a boat #sailinglesson #mostimportant
Dylan Magaster
How to clean up lines on a boat #sailinglesson #mostimportant
Discover the importance of maintaining clean, neat, and organized lines while sailing in this informative YT short. We demonstrate the practical and easy-to-master figure-eight method for wrapping lines around the winch, ensuring they don't get tangled and...
Have you ever heard of the Beaufort Wind Scale?
Dylan Magaster
Have you ever heard of the Beaufort Wind Scale?
Join us in this educational YT short as we sail across the Atlantic Ocean in the gentle breeze of the trade winds. Learn about the Beaufort Wind Scale, a valuable tool in measuring wind speed, and discover how "gentle breeze" is actually a technical term r...
Simple Solutions are the Best Solutions. What else would you like to know?
Dylan Magaster
Simple Solutions are the Best Solutions. What else would you like to know?
Discover a simple yet essential piece of equipment for life at sea in this quick YT short: the lee cloth. Learn how this unassuming piece of fabric can prevent you from falling out of your berth while underway, ensuring your safety and comfort on a sailboa...
How to sail, how to get basic sailing experience
Chasing Latitudes
How to sail, how to get basic sailing experience
How to sail, how to get basic sailing experience Join patreon for awesome perks and access to the members area ASA members discount Become a producer on ...
See The Dirty Side of Our Sailing Adventure [Ep. 55]
Sailing Sweet Ruca
See The Dirty Side of Our Sailing Adventure [Ep. 55]
Everything happened so fast and we did all we could to keep things right way up. It was dirty, loud, and dangerous. We never thought it would be like this. Would we do it again? See our secret of what we did when sailing to the island of Terceira. Hint: T...
Sailing Into Horta! – This Is THE END of Our 2600 Mile Ocean Crossing [Ep. 52]
Sailing Sweet Ruca
Sailing Into Horta! – This Is THE END of Our 2600 Mile Ocean Crossing [Ep. 52]
We are guided in by DOLPHINS under SPINNAKER in the final episode of our 10 part 2600 mile trans-atlantic OCEAN CROSSING. We left in our sailboat from St. Maarten 17 days ago on a doublehanded sail to Horta, Azores. Are we still friends at the end? Did w...
Mid-Ocean DRONE CRASH – How NOT to Land a Drone While Sailing [Ep. 51]
Sailing Sweet Ruca
Mid-Ocean DRONE CRASH – How NOT to Land a Drone While Sailing [Ep. 51]
This one is going to cost us! Catching the drone at sea isn't easy, but the shots are worth it. We crash the drone in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean while on an offshore sailing passage to Horta, Azores. #sailing #boat #dronecrash #liveaboard #sailboat ...
SAILING BLIND – What We Do When The Weather Models Don’t Work? MID-ATLATNIC [Ep. 49]
Sailing Sweet Ruca
SAILING BLIND – What We Do When The Weather Models Don’t Work? MID-ATLATNIC [Ep. 49]
What happens when the forecasts don't come true? We find ourselves sailing in the middle of the Atlantic without really knowing what's ahead, and you guessed it, we find some red on the radar. #sailing #boat #liveaboard #weatherforecast #offthegrid So w...
We Spot A MYSTERIOUS Unidentified BOAT While Sailing Mid-Atlantic [Ep. 48]
Sailing Sweet Ruca
We Spot A MYSTERIOUS Unidentified BOAT While Sailing Mid-Atlantic [Ep. 48]
That blip comes on the radar. Is it a squall? Is it a boat? Most boats this far offshore have some type of AIS, not all, but many. So who is this mysterious blip showing up on our radar? #sailing #boat #liveaboard #mysterious #offthegrid So who is this c...
BREAKDOWN At Sea – Can We Make Repairs While Sailing? – Atlantic Crossing Part 5 [Ep. 47]
Sailing Sweet Ruca
BREAKDOWN At Sea – Can We Make Repairs While Sailing? – Atlantic Crossing Part 5 [Ep. 47]
We have a MAJOR problem! While we try to fix one problem, another rears its head, and then another. If we can't fix it, we may need to TURN BACK? #sailing #boat #boatfails #tinyhome #offthegrid We are sailing in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and need...
SAILING in STORMS – Is this FUN? – Atlantic Crossing Part 4 [Ep. 46]
Sailing Sweet Ruca
SAILING in STORMS – Is this FUN? – Atlantic Crossing Part 4 [Ep. 46]
Where did these STORMS come from? The water turns black as we battle roaring thunderstorms that push us at speeds over 10 knots. We ask ourselves, are we having fun? We continue our 2700nm bluewater sailing voyage as we sail across the Atlantic Ocean. #sa...
Our BIGGEST FEAR – Storms and Lightning at Sea – SAILING Across the Atlantic – Part 3 [Ep. 45]
Sailing Sweet Ruca
Our BIGGEST FEAR – Storms and Lightning at Sea – SAILING Across the Atlantic – Part 3 [Ep. 45]
We set the spinnaker and really get our tiny home at sea rolling. We find a huge convergence zone filled with squalls, storms, and lightning. The weather models have no consensus. This isn't going to be an easy night! Find our Tracker Here: www.sweetruca....