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Sailing Learning By Doing YouTube Videos

Showing 1-8 of 8 results
Living With The Dead In Tana Toraja – Indonesia
Living With The Dead In Tana Toraja – Indonesia
The unique and intricate death customs of Tana Toraja have been celebrated for centuries, making them some of the most complex and expensive funeral traditions in the world. Before Dutch Christian Missionaries arrived, Torajans practiced Animism, the belie...
Amazing Death Rituals of Tana Toraja
Amazing Death Rituals of Tana Toraja
The unique and intricate death customs of Tana Toraja have been celebrated for centuries, making them some of the most complex and expensive funeral traditions in the world. Before Dutch Christian Missionaries arrived, Torajans practiced Animism, the belie...
A Happy Sailor’s Heart In Remote Sulawesi
A Happy Sailor’s Heart In Remote Sulawesi
In this episode we sail, we motor sail and we get stuck with our anchor wrapped up in an old net in the harbour at Tanjung Siwa. Don’t worry, we’ll show you a very quick and easy way to untangle a fouled anchor. After sailing in Greece we have plenty ...
Why Motor Sailing Is Not A Sin and How To Clear A Fouled Anchor
Why Motor Sailing Is Not A Sin and How To Clear A Fouled Anchor
We’re sailing with friends Daniel and Emma on our our buddy boat Lola B in an area of the huge Indonesian Island of Sulawesi very rarely visited by cruising boats. We’ve only scratched the surface so far but we’re already in love with this amazing ar...
Sailing And Freeing A Fouled Anchor In Remote Sulawesi
Sailing And Freeing A Fouled Anchor In Remote Sulawesi
In this episode we sail, we motor sail and we get stuck with our anchor wrapped up in an old net in the harbour at Tanjung Siwa. Don’t worry, we’ll show you a very quick and easy way to untangle a fouled anchor. After sailing in Greece we have plenty ...
The Amazing Timber Ship Builders of Sulawesi – Indonesia
The Amazing Timber Ship Builders of Sulawesi – Indonesia
After sailing to Bira on the Indonesian Island of Sulawesi, we explore the world of the Bugis people, once fearsome pirates and the origin of bogeyman myths, now famous worldwide for their amazing skills handcrafting massive traditional phinisi wooden ship...
Monster Squid Platforms of Sulawesi
Monster Squid Platforms of Sulawesi
We sail by massive squid platforms to a complex of reefs in remote Sulawesi, Indonesia. We have just begun our exploration of this, the world’s 11th largest island but already we have fallen in love with sailing this remote area populated by such warm, ...
Racing To Anchor Before Fierce Storm Hits
Racing To Anchor Before Fierce Storm Hits
We sail 'Our Dreamtime' further north in Indonesia to Bojowe Harbour on the Sulawesi mainland. Here we race to anchor before a fierce monsoonal storm that strikes with big winds and driving rain. Did we make it? Let’s call it a draw. We have just begun...