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Running YouTube Videos

Showing 1-11 of 11 results
I should have started sooner! #sailing #skincare #outdoorlife
Pacific Solo
I should have started sooner! #sailing #skincare #outdoorlife
I’m almost 70, living on my sailboat, and usually shirtless, shoeless, and hatless—loving every minute of it! Honestly, I wish I’d started this life a whole lot sooner. Stay tuned for upcoming videos on my brand-new skincare regime—sun protection i...
Adventure #10 of 57 – riding two distinct types of ElliptiGo bikes
The Adventure Travelers
Adventure #10 of 57 – riding two distinct types of ElliptiGo bikes
Adventure #10 of 57 - Riding two distinct types of ElliptiGO bikes: Stand Up and Elliptical @elliptigo_usa @theadventuretravelers #57Adventures #TheAdventureTravelers #ellipticalcycling #ellipticalbike #elliptigo #standupbike #standupcycling #fitnes...
TIME IS RUNNING OUT [Ep 99] Sailing Salacia Star
Sailing Salacia Star
TIME IS RUNNING OUT [Ep 99] Sailing Salacia Star
Get 10% OFF Salacia Designs Slogan range between by entering promo code SUNSET. Valid Thursday (September 2nd) 12:00am PT through Tuesday night (September 7th) at 11:59pm PT. PATREON
The O'Kelly's
Injuries on a sailboat can be a real show-stopper. So what we do to get fit and stay in shape is just as important as maintaining the boat. This week we talk inflatable paddle boards and where to mount them so they don’t cause leaks, and do some epic sno...
Ep 9: Points of Sail – A Different Perspective
Carpe Diem Sailing
Ep 9: Points of Sail – A Different Perspective
Welcome to Episode 9 of Carpe Diem Sailing and Part 4 of our Learn to Sail Series. In this video I bring a different perspective to learning the Points of Sail and I discuss the correct way of determining the tack of a sailing vessel. CARPE DIEM SAIL TRA...
A Brief Morning in Key West | Learning the Lines [Casual Friday]
Learning the Lines
A Brief Morning in Key West | Learning the Lines [Casual Friday]
For today's Casual Friday video we're taking you along with us on a quick little trip to Key West. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not-A-Broke...
The desert trip starts (The Sailing Family) Ep.58
The Sailing Family
The desert trip starts (The Sailing Family) Ep.58 - As we have finished our teak deck work now we will travel 2 weeks in Colombia. First we will start with a trip to the Colombian desert to go kitesurfing there. Alina and Vita are living their adventures in the US and Austr...
Selecting Sailing Rope | Sail Fanatics
Sail Fanatics
Selecting Sailing Rope | Sail Fanatics
This video reviews the types of sailing ropes used on our sailboat and why each type has been chosen. Note: after feedback and discussion I plan to use 3/8" VPC to replace the main halyard rather than T-900.
How To: Clean the carb on your generator  | Sailing Zingaro
Sailing Zingaro
How To: Clean the carb on your generator | Sailing Zingaro
Having trouble with your generator? Running funny, or not at all? It's probably gum the in the carburetor. In this video I show you how to clean it out so it runs like new again!! Please keep in mind I'm not a pro-tech, please cunsult your manual before t...
funNstuff Race for Life May 2015 to raise money for the fight against cancer
Sailing with the Foxwell Family
funNstuff Race for Life May 2015 to raise money for the fight against cancer
As many of you may already know my mother is currently undergoing treatment for her second form of cancer. My godmother, who we all call Auntie Cathy is currently very, VERY ill with it and Izzys god mother, Auntie Jenny, has also recently been diagnosed ...
Sailing downwind  in the Indian Ocean
Sailing downwind in the Indian Ocean
A clip of Liz helming s/y Esper half way across the Indian Ocean, part of our 1,500 mile trip from the Maldives to Malaysia. We're running downwind in WSW Force 6 (though if you look carefully our wind display shows us close-reaching, which is a lie as our...