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Showing 1-15 of 16 results

SAILING NORWAY l We’re LEGAL … Let’s Go Exploring! (MJ Sailing – Ep 121)
We had that pesky little problem that we sailed into Norway without being able to visit a customs agent, so in this week's episode we make another day passage up to the town of Florø. Here we make a visit to the police station to clear in, which means we...
We Get to be a CANAL BOAT With Our MAST STILL UP! l Sailing Scottish Highlands (MJ Sailing – Ep 115)
We have just left our anchorage in the Scottish Highlands to make the remaining 26 miles to the beginning of the Caledonian Canal. Winds are about perfect and we're able to sail the entire way there, through beautiful lochs and even through a narrow chann...
Hello SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS!! ⛰️⛵ (MJ Sailing – Ep 114)
It's time for a new video, and this week we sail the remainder of the Irish Sea up to Scotland. Our weather on the Irish Sea goes back and forth from blissfully calm to getting tossed around by building waves...but at the end of two days we drop anchor wi...
BUCKET LIST Sailing Destination: Faial, Azores (MJ Sailing – EP 83)
Of all the far flung destinations to sail to in the world, Faial Azores should be near the top, for it's beauty, diversity, and sometimes surreal atmosphere.
Spotting Land After 25 DAYS AT SEA!! (MJ Sailing – Ep 80)
Our Trans-Atlantic voyage is approaching the end! We pick up this video on Day 18, after we get the news that our friends on s/v Calico Skies are arriving in Horta, while we still have 700 miles left and can expect winds on the nose for the next 72 hours....
I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends (MJ Sailing – EP 70)
After taking a little time to ourselves after recovering from the tragic news of Jessica's brother's passing, we're now in Antigua and have a few days before the excitement of Antigua Sail Week begins. Realizing that our cupboards are getting empty since ...
THE Island for Chores & Projects (MJ Sailing – EP 66)
If there were ever an island in the Eastern Caribbean to get projects done, this is it. Join our Patreon family and become a BIGGER part of the adventure: Subscribe and don't miss out:
Champagne Life on a Beer Budget (MJ Sailing – EP 63)
We've just made it from the Bahamas to St. Barth's, and we're ready to enjoy ourselves! We've been placed on an island with perfect beaches, perfect waters, and breathtaking views. After stumbling around town our first morning, still suffering from sleep...
Sailing I-65 from Bahamas to St. Barth’s (MJ Sailing – EP 62)
We round out the second half of our trip, and complete our 977 miles from Eleuthera Bahamas to St. Barths. Day 5 still brings somewhat unpleasant conditions, leaving both of us still not feeling our best, but starting to get over it a touch. While the wa...
NOT the THORNY PATH to the Caribbean (MJ Sailing – EP 61)
We leave Eluthera with only 950 miles separating us from St. Maarten. It's Element's first offshore passage since her refit, and ours since we returned to Florida 3 years ago to lay eyes on her for the first time. We start the journey with a strong bree...
Where the Elite Come to Play (MJ Sailing – EP 60)
ABACO POLARIZED GIVEAWAY EPISODE!! This channel is made possible by viewers like you. Please help us keep this channel creating great content by becoming a patron for as little as $1 an episode. Visit: Having just tran...
When A Bit of Serendipity Turns It All Into Perfection (MJ Sailing – EP 58)
There are those days when everything goes wrong. And trust us, we've had many of them. But then sometimes there are also the days where everything goes right. ** This channel is made possible by viewers like you. Please help us keep this channel creati...
Building Our Own Custom Stack Pack (MJ Sailing – EP 26)
There's nothing for me to sand or paint right now, so it must be time to sew! Two big items we need done before leaving the marina are making a new mainsail cover and an awning for the cockpit. Tackling the hardest one first, I went with the sail cover. ...
Our Thoughts on Going Bare (MJ Sailing – EP 24)
'Why aren't you going to paint your hull?' 'If you're going to leave it bare, you should at least shine it up'. 'You're in for a ton of corrosion if you leave your hull bare'. These are just a sample of the questions and comments we've been getting thro...