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Metal sailboat YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 16 results
Where the Elite Come to Play (MJ Sailing – EP 60)
MJ Sailing
Where the Elite Come to Play (MJ Sailing – EP 60)
ABACO POLARIZED GIVEAWAY EPISODE!! This channel is made possible by viewers like you. Please help us keep this channel creating great content by becoming a patron for as little as $1 an episode. Visit: Having just tran...
When A Bit of Serendipity Turns It All Into Perfection (MJ Sailing – EP 58)
MJ Sailing
When A Bit of Serendipity Turns It All Into Perfection (MJ Sailing – EP 58)
There are those days when everything goes wrong. And trust us, we've had many of them. But then sometimes there are also the days where everything goes right. ** This channel is made possible by viewers like you. Please help us keep this channel creati...
Finding Our Sister Ship; 2 of Only 6 IN THE WORLD!! (MJ Sailing – EP 54)
MJ Sailing
Finding Our Sister Ship; 2 of Only 6 IN THE WORLD!! (MJ Sailing – EP 54)
There have only been 6 of our boats made in the world, so imagine the surprise when we wake up in the morning and find out that our sister ship has anchored right next to us! This channel is made possible by viewers like you. Please help us keep this cha...
Our NEW Precision Headsail!! (MJ Sailing – EP 53)
MJ Sailing
Our NEW Precision Headsail!! (MJ Sailing – EP 53)
We finally receive and install our new headsail from Precision Sails! **This channel is made possible by viewers like you. Please help us keep this channel creating great content by becoming a patron for as little as $1 an episode. Visit:
Batten the Hatches, Irma Is On Her Way (MJ Sailing – EP 33)
MJ Sailing
Batten the Hatches, Irma Is On Her Way (MJ Sailing – EP 33)
We get back from our shakedown cruise, ready to bury ourselves in boat work...only to find there's a hurricane headed our way! Every day we'd watch the news in anticipation to see how Irma would impact us. From just a blip on the radar to threatening to ...
Death by Bridges & Making Our Way Home (MJ Sailing – EP 32)
MJ Sailing
Death by Bridges & Making Our Way Home (MJ Sailing – EP 32)
As all good things must come to an end, so must our shakedown cruise. It was hard to tear ourselves away from one of our new favorite spots on the east side of Peanut Island, but we knew there was still a lot of boat work to be completed before hurricane ...
Our Great Escape From the Work Yard to the Water (MJ Sailing – EP 23)
MJ Sailing
Our Great Escape From the Work Yard to the Water (MJ Sailing – EP 23)
The day has finally arrived. After taking a junk boat sitting in the graveyard to do a complete overhaul on it, we're now ready to move it to the water! With rain like we've never seen before in south Florida, our launch was pushed back an extra few days ...
Nearing the End of Our 812 Days In the Work Yard (MJ Sailing – EP 21)
MJ Sailing
Nearing the End of Our 812 Days In the Work Yard (MJ Sailing – EP 21)
We're so close to getting in the water, and yet still so far. It's been a hectic time for us as we try to finish all the last projects before splashing. With our centerboard dropped we had the well soda blasted (even though I accidentally say sandblasted...
Applying Awl Grip to Our Cabin Top (MJ Sailing – EP 20)
MJ Sailing
Applying Awl Grip to Our Cabin Top (MJ Sailing – EP 20)
It is finally done! Muahahahaha (evil laugh)... The painting is finally done! After 9 weeks of work, removing all our old Petit (2 part EZ Poxy) paint, building up layer after layer of primer, and trying my hand at Awl Grip for the first time, our paint ...
A Bit of This and That .. aka .. Are We Almost Done? (MJ Sailing – EP 19)
MJ Sailing
A Bit of This and That .. aka .. Are We Almost Done? (MJ Sailing – EP 19)
We may not always get to work on what projects we want *when* we want, but there is always something to be done on this boat. My Awl Grip top coats have been halted due to extreme heat, but we still have plenty to keep ourselves busy! After receiving ou...
Matt’s Odd Jobs & A Tour of the Interior ( MJ Sailing – EP 18)
MJ Sailing
Matt’s Odd Jobs & A Tour of the Interior ( MJ Sailing – EP 18)
There's no new paint to show off this week as the sanding is taking me *forever*, so instead I decided to follow Matt around to see what keeps him busy everyday while I work on the cabin top. Also, there's a long awaited tour of our interior for you to se...
Getting the Mast Up – We’re a Sailboat Again! (MJ Sailing – EP 17)
MJ Sailing
Getting the Mast Up – We’re a Sailboat Again! (MJ Sailing – EP 17)
After 10 months of waiting and one failed attempt, our mast is finally back up again! Back in Episode 9 you'll see that we tried to raise our mast, but the new rigging we ordered was not the right size, and we had to bring it back to have it redone. A fe...
Behind the Scenes: Our Life on the Hard (MJ Sailing – EP 16)
MJ Sailing
Behind the Scenes: Our Life on the Hard (MJ Sailing – EP 16)
Ever wonder what we do with our lives while we're not busy with boat projects? In this video we give you a look at a few of the things we do when the cameras are normally off, like trying to find the best shower stall at the end of a workday, cooking dinn...
Engine Room Floor and Other Boat Work
SV Seeker
Engine Room Floor and Other Boat Work
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Welcome to the Boat Graveyard  (EP 1 – MJ Sailing)
MJ Sailing
Welcome to the Boat Graveyard (EP 1 – MJ Sailing)
Click subscribe to follow all our adventures. Please become a Patreon! Check out our previous sailing photos on Instagram: Our first entry in our video series after cruisi...