Long keel YouTube Videos
Showing 1-15 of 51 results

Sailing, Fin keel, yes its the best, get over it
Sailing, Fin keel, yes its the best, get over it Join patreon https://www.patreon.com/chasinglatitudes?fan_landing=true for awesome perks and access to the members area ASA members discount https://members.asa.com/?promo=HOW2SAILING Become a producer on...
Sailing, THE FULL KEEL Join patreon https://www.patreon.com/chasinglatitudes?fan_landing=true for awesome perks and access to the members area ASA members discount https://members.asa.com/?promo=HOW2SAILING Become a producer on chasing latitudes, 100.00 ...
Sailing, Swing keel/lifting keel, Is one right for you ?
Sailing, Swing keel/lifting keel, Is one right for you ? Join patreon https://www.patreon.com/chasinglatitudes?fan_landing=true for awesome perks and access to the members area ASA members discount https://members.asa.com/?promo=HOW2SAILING Become a pro...
Sailing, Sailboats, Choosing the right keel, Sailboat keel comparisons, bilge keel
Sailing, Sailboats, Choosing the right keel, Sailboat keel comparisons, bilge keel, is the bilge keel right for your sailboat? Are you shopping for a new sailboat and trying to decide about what keel to get? Have you sailed a bilge keel before? How about a...
Sailing, Sailboats, Choosing the right keel, Sailboat keel comparisons
Sailing, Sailboats, Choosing the right keel, Sailboat keel comparisons, full keel , in this series I would like to share as much information as possible to help you successfully choose your sailboats keel. There are numerous misconceptions about keels, wha...
Sailing, Sailboats, Choosing the right keel, Sailboat keel comparisons, full keel
Sailing, Sailboats, Choosing the right keel, Sailboat keel comparisons, full keel , in this series I would like to share as much information as possible to help you successfully choose your sailboats keel. There are numerous misconceptions about keels, wha...
Sailboat Keel Types
Sailboat sailing keel types, pros and cons of the most popular keels today. Please take a look at our website and see what we offer https://www.how2sailing.com/store Playlist to help you choose your next sailboat https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL23P7ME...
Tour of our Classic Cruising Yacht
This is an in-depth tour of the cabin, deck, Rigging, and bottom of our 1968 Morgan 45. She has been our home for 8 years, three of which have included an ocean crossing and the Mediterranean! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/riggingdoctor Channel Member...
Back & Fill
This is a longer version of the Back & Fill section in Episode 10. Many people ask us about techniques for manoeuvring a long keeled boat. Well we're very lucky as we have a very good bow thruster so it's not so difficult for us. But a bow thruster is ...
How to Suture for Emergencies | Sailing Wisdom
This video is meant for demonstrative purposes only and not a replacement for professionally trained medical treatment. The goal of this video is to show you how to patch someone up to get them to appropriate medical care. This video covers suturing techni...
Transatlantic Part 5: Bermuda Arrival | Sailing Wisdom S3 Ep6
SQUALLS for days!! We decide to stop in Bermuda to drop off Frank. He was bringing moral down a whole lot because he didn’t like our pace. We couldn’t guarantee a certain time for arrival, so we all decided it would be best if the two of us continued o...
Transatlantic Part 4: The Doldrums And Emergency Sail Repair | Sailing Wisdom Ep 5
The adventure continues as we get completely trapped in the doldrums. Spirits are quite low with the lack of forward momentum. Our most important sail, Dill rips from being over used in too much wind under Frank’s watch. We are forced to do an emergency ...
Preparing for Hurricane Helene
Just a quick update on our realtime situation in the he world. We know there is a lot of lag between when we record and whenever a video get sent published. Wisdom is currently on the hard in Terciera, Azores as we await the arrival of Hurricane Helene. #...
Transatlantic Part 3: Sloop vs. Cutter | Sailing Wisdom S3 Ep4
We continue our journey and Herby uses a Sextant to track our progress. And since many of our viewers are not sailors, we have included a short lesson on different Sail plans in this episode, plus a chance to win a FREE SHIRT from our rigging doctor store!...