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Living YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 249 results
Being on stage with Pennywise singing the, “Bro Hymn” is always epic. #pennywise #sandiego
The Adventure Travelers
Being on stage with Pennywise singing the, “Bro Hymn” is always epic. #pennywise #sandiego
I grew up with all the guys from Pennywise in the South Bay. Always great to get together. being onstage in front of a crowd like this is always epic!!
It’s a bit rough!
Carl and Jenny
It’s a bit rough!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch the full version here If you found it informative or entertaining please give it a thumbs as it helps get YouTube to ...
Inside the Real “Below Deck”: The daily life of a British couple living and sailing aboard a yacht.
Carl and Jenny
Inside the Real “Below Deck”: The daily life of a British couple living and sailing aboard a yacht.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This has got to be our worst sail yet with regards to high seas. The plan was to sail from Koufonisi to Levithia where we had planned to stay overnight t...
260nm Mona Passage Sail (Cruise Ship NEARLY Hit Us!) [Puerto Rico to Luperon DR]
Adventureman Dan
260nm Mona Passage Sail (Cruise Ship NEARLY Hit Us!) [Puerto Rico to Luperon DR]
In this thrilling video, marine expert and seasoned sailor Adventureman Dan recounts his harrowing journey of a 260 nautical mile crossing through the dangerous Mona Passage between the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. Join him as he navigates treachero...
Why I LOVE My Sailboat (She Can Do ANYTHING!!!)
Adventureman Dan
Why I LOVE My Sailboat (She Can Do ANYTHING!!!)
I've sailed, slept, cooked, eaten and lived on my beautiful 1894 Beneteau Idylle 38' monohull sailboat Adventureborne for the past five and a half years. And all I can say, is I LOVE this sailboat! Get ready for positivity on top of positivity all about ...
Sailing the Seas My Journey to a Self Sufficient Ocean Lifestyle #boat #fishing #sailboat #adventure
Adventureman Dan
401 Days (Part 1) Sailing & Exploring USA & Bahamas
Adventureman Dan
401 Days (Part 1) Sailing & Exploring USA & Bahamas
The is the beginning of a very big story! The longest time I've consecutively sailed and cruised. The longest time I've lived at anchor, the most fish I've spearfished and eaten. And of course, I did it all with my budget 1984 Beneteau Idylle. Originally b...
Lost at Sea, Our brand new boat gets taken by a Storm! | ep. 40
Spear It Animal
Lost at Sea, Our brand new boat gets taken by a Storm! | ep. 40
If you’re ever injured in an accident, you can check out Morgan & Morgan. You can start your claim in just a click without having to leave your couch. To start your claim, visit: Join Patreon for Bonus content, Patre...
I Asked ChatGPT 3.5 ↓ ↓ ↓ …..the AI knows!!!
Adventureman Dan
I Asked ChatGPT 3.5 ↓ ↓ ↓ …..the AI knows!!!
In this video I'll be comparing what ChatGPT said to a very difficult question. We live in such a unique time. Both extremely good, and extremely bad. So today, I used ChatGPT "What are the 10 WORST things about modern society that living on a sailboat fi...
Crew Week 3 – Onboard Adventureborne in Grenada
Adventureman Dan
Crew Week 3 – Onboard Adventureborne in Grenada
No longer bound to my sailboat "Adventureborne". Deia and I set our sights inland to explore the wonders of this beautiful country. Waterfalls, monkeys, jungle hikes, surfing, fire dancing, and more! It's another amazing week, surrounded by amazing friend...
Women & Sailboat Surfing (Dead Down Wind) – WEEK 2
Adventureman Dan
Women & Sailboat Surfing (Dead Down Wind) – WEEK 2
This is only Deia's second week aboard my sailboat "Adventureborne". But in this week, things get a bit fun & scary as we get into some fast paced sailboat surfing DDW(Dead Down Wind). It was a great chance for her to experience surfing entire sailboat...
Uncover the Hidden BBQ Hotspot in Greece!
Carl and Jenny
Uncover the Hidden BBQ Hotspot in Greece!
We spend the evening on the beach having a barbeque. The guitar comes out and Carl gets back to his primeval roots making fire..Ug! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please join us along o...
Walkthrough – Hallberg-Rassy Rasmus 35 – Sailing Vessel Swizzle
Sail Swizzle
Walkthrough – Hallberg-Rassy Rasmus 35 – Sailing Vessel Swizzle
Hi everyone! In this video we'll talk about the Swizzle and everything from sleeping spaces to storage. This is a passerby while we edit down the first week of travel which was a DOOOZIE. Enjoy and let us know if you want any more info :) Links: Swizzle m...
What it Cost Us to Sail for 6 Months | Ch4 E50 | The Wayward Life
Wayward Life Sailing
What it Cost Us to Sail for 6 Months | Ch4 E50 | The Wayward Life
This year we spent 6 months cruising and sailing on our sailboat in British Columbia, Canada. We broke down our monthly costs for you to give you a better idea of what it might cost you to cruise and sail in this area of the world! The math isn't exact b...
What Does Life Have Waiting For Us | Sailing Galopin In Cape Verde  | Winded Voyage S5 | Episode 10
Winded Voyage Sailing
What Does Life Have Waiting For Us | Sailing Galopin In Cape Verde | Winded Voyage S5 | Episode 10
Life aboard in Cape Verde Africa is never what you'd expect. Who knows what does life have waiting for us. My boat is on the verge of breaking loose because of the constant insane wind force. Cape Verdean spirit opens its arms with one party after the othe...