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Journey YouTube Videos

Showing 61-75 of 114 results
Ep71 THE RHYTHM OF THE SEA_Mallorca_Sailing Mediterranean Sea.
La Vida a Vela - Sailing My Life
Ep71 THE RHYTHM OF THE SEA_Mallorca_Sailing Mediterranean Sea.
SUPPORT US ON PATREON AND GET ACCES TO EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS: This Episode is a reduced version for YOUTUBE of our original Movie "THE RHYTHM OF THE SEA", you can see the full movie on: VIMEO.COM/ONDEMAND/LAVIDAAVELA ENGLISH SUBTIT...
Adventure to Enjoy the Greatest Burger – Ep. 17 [Sailing Ixion]
Sailing Ixion
Adventure to Enjoy the Greatest Burger – Ep. 17 [Sailing Ixion]
Our break isn't over just yet. This time, it involves the adventure to enjoy the grest burger in the world. This week isn't about sailing, but it's about adventure nontheless. Things have been rough for us personally, and many in the world. After sufferi...
70 SEA SIDE LOVE, Season 5_Mallorca_Sailing Mediterranean Sea.
La Vida a Vela - Sailing My Life
70 SEA SIDE LOVE, Season 5_Mallorca_Sailing Mediterranean Sea.
SUPPORT US ON PATREON AND GET ACCES TO EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS: This Episode is a reduced version for YOUTUBE of our original Movie "SEA SIDE LOVE", you can see the full movie on: VIMEO.COM/ONDEMAND/LAVIDAAVELA ENGLISH SUBTITLES, SU...
Man Overboard | Our last days traveling Turkey | Sailing Sunday Ep. 76
Sailing Sunday
Man Overboard | Our last days traveling Turkey | Sailing Sunday Ep. 76
Our final days in Turkey, Ryan does a ridiculous man overboard drill in 20 knots on our way to Datca to check out of the country to either Greece, Italy or Malta. We enjoy and embrace the last week sailing here but things get a bit stressful as we have 2...
Alone in Paradise | Traveling Turkey | Sailing Sunday Ep. 75
Sailing Sunday
Alone in Paradise | Traveling Turkey | Sailing Sunday Ep. 75
Turkey is truly amazing and definitely a paradise wonderland! This week we start our journey to Datca to get ready for our departure but on the way Ryan tried his luck for dinner on a super yacht and I (Brittni) swam with a Turtle at a private little ancho...
Episode 24   Our Windows Pop Off after Sailing!! and we visit beautiful Lisbon
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 24 Our Windows Pop Off after Sailing!! and we visit beautiful Lisbon
We motor into Cascais Marina for one nights stay and discover our hull windows, which were done by a so called profesional company, have popped off!!! You can imagine our horror! Chris attempts a temporary fix to hold them on until we get more product and ...
Never Too Late! How to Change the Course of Your Life Introduction
Pacific Solo
Never Too Late! How to Change the Course of Your Life Introduction
Considering changing the course of your life? Well, it is never too late. Let me repeat that. It's. Never. Too. Late. In case you don't know me, my name is Lowell Sheppard and this is something I've done more than once. For the first of this series, I'll ...
Episode 23   Cascais, Topless Sailing and Swollen Ankles!
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 23 Cascais, Topless Sailing and Swollen Ankles!
After a charming sail to Cascais in some very swelting heat, Chris has to rest his swollen twisted ankle and we go exploring with our salty sea dog Boza in the cool evening breeze. Cascais is a beautiful location to visit and the kids find lots to see and ...
episode 22   Perfect Limens   Vigo and the Spanish Rias
Sailing Pickle Family
episode 22 Perfect Limens Vigo and the Spanish Rias
This episode we have some very calm night sailing to a beautiful little anchorage called Limens in the Vigo region, we stop at the cutest little fishing port for fuel and have some fun hikes and adventures with my beautiful seadog, before we head off to sa...
Episode 21   La Coruna, Diesel Bug and sailing Cape Finisterre to Vigo
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 21 La Coruna, Diesel Bug and sailing Cape Finisterre to Vigo
La Coruna is a beautiful place to relax for a few days after having such a crazy Biscay crossing! We go exploring, stock up on some yummy fresh Spanish food and enjoy the gorgeous clear blue waters. The kiddos discover the joys of halyard swings and we dis...
Episode 20   The Bay of Biscay, Engine Troubles and 5 Meter Waves
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 20 The Bay of Biscay, Engine Troubles and 5 Meter Waves
This episode you join us as we voyage into the unknown and cross the Bay of Biscay! We start with big sea's which soon settle down and we enjoy a lovely chilled second day.... sadly that didn't last long and our last day and night we fought thought a terri...
Sailing Beaver TRAILER – Sailing Norway to New Zealand
Sailing Beaver
Sailing Beaver TRAILER – Sailing Norway to New Zealand
A couple from Australia and Norway who set sails from Norway on a Beneteau Oceanis 40 in late 2018 to explore the world by sailboat. (Yup, another sailing couple doing the standard route and documenting it on film.) Sam & Nicole X CONNECT WITH US:...
E3 Did We Really Go Green in Annapolis
Sailing Dark Angel
E3 Did We Really Go Green in Annapolis
Learning Learning Learning On day two we got the stars out of our eyes and we were more able to focus on Fit & Finish, Design and Practicality. We are very practical people, and things need to make sense to us. There are pros and cons to each of the ...
E1 What’s in a Name
Sailing Dark Angel
E1 What’s in a Name
We've finally posted our introductory video. They'll improve as we go, honest! We really wanted to get some content on the channel to get the ball rolling. If you have ideas for content you'd like to see, please let us know in the comments. We have two mor...
When You Stop TALKING and Start DOING…
Bums on a Boat
When You Stop TALKING and Start DOING…
Three friends who had never even been on a sailboat, dreamed of sailing away and living self-sufficiently while traveling the world. So they did. Then, two returned home having found what they sought, leaving room for another dreamer. But the story conti...