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Flood YouTube Videos

Showing 1-7 of 7 results
Sailing Good, Bad, and Ugly
If you enjoyed our video and want to get to know us better please check out our patreon page. Every cent counts and we truly appreciate it. Plus you will become part of our special family with inside video and more M...
Ep 104 – Sailing in Sicily, Tornadoes, Double Rainbows, Lightening & Flash Floods! Totally Crazy!!!
Sailing Pickle Family
Ep 104 – Sailing in Sicily, Tornadoes, Double Rainbows, Lightening & Flash Floods! Totally Crazy!!!
This is one of my favourite episodes yet! So much happened in such a short amount of time! After a shocking sail from Bizerte, Tunisia to Sicily we was hoping for a day or two of rest and relaxation at anchor, but what we got was big swells, high winds, te...
Our Sailing Boat Floods (in Dartmouth)
Sailing Cadoha
Our Sailing Boat Floods (in Dartmouth)
Sailing boat flooding mini drama to one side, a serious question for all of you, is this THE most beautiful port to sail into, in England?! It certainly makes dealing with boat drama more bearable when you're surrounded by this much beauty! We also want t...
This Small Town is Always UNDERWATER!
Wicked Salty
This Small Town is Always UNDERWATER!
Oriental, North Carolina gets flooded regularly. Whenever a north wind blows in, it pushes the water into the mainland and in the streets! Was crazy to be here for this. Just a little glimpse of the lifestyle and how we do things. Here we are in Oriental, ...
Living on a Sailboat: Fixing a Submerged Electric Motor
Rigging Doctor
Living on a Sailboat: Fixing a Submerged Electric Motor
Our electric motor spent a few hours submerged when our boat flooded with tap water due to a broken hose fitting. Such a small issue led to a massive amount of repairs. Luckily, the water that flooded the boat was clean tap water and not salt water, so the...
Living on a Sailboat: We Almost Sank
Rigging Doctor
Living on a Sailboat: We Almost Sank
A plastic tee near the water heater broke and tap water began pouring into the boat, flooding everything! The electric motor, as well as all the batteries were completely submerged for hours. Thankfully, the high water pump was able to keep up with the in...
Hailstone storm of death (almost)
Adventures of an old Seadog
Hailstone storm of death (almost)
While out cycling a friend and I became trapped by a hail storm of deathly proportions. . . Well it wasn't that bad but, the doorway of the pub we were sheltering in was closed, now THAT was BAD!