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Elaine walker YouTube Videos

Showing 1-2 of 2 results
Tiny House Tour: Emily’s First Tiny House
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Tiny House Tour: Emily’s First Tiny House
My first tiny house was 117 square feet – a Tumbleweed Lusby model lent to me by my friend, and tiny house community organizer Elaine Walker. We posted a video tour of that house, and it now has nearly 4 million views! I lived in Elaine's house for 9 mon...
The Tiny House Song (My Own Tiny Home) – by Emily & Ned: Official Audio
Emily & Clark's Adventure
The Tiny House Song (My Own Tiny Home) – by Emily & Ned: Official Audio
In 2014, tiny house community organizer Elaine Walker had the idea of creating a theme song for the tiny house movement, and putting it to the melody of "Down by the Riverside." With some modification to the original lyrics and tons of help from my friend ...