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Crab YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 25 results
Ep 365 | Rat’s Nests & Interesting Creatures, Cruising Kangaroo Island, Nutshell Nuthouse
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 365 | Rat’s Nests & Interesting Creatures, Cruising Kangaroo Island, Nutshell Nuthouse
After a terrible night with a huge storm everything is calm again and we leave our anchorage and head towards Millionaires Row which is very beautiful. Magnus tries to follow some of the electrical cables from the helm station up to the flybridge. It’s ...
Lick My Balls Ep142
Sailing Intermission
Lick My Balls Ep142
In this thrilling sailing adventure, the family leaves behind their old life to explore the wonders of the Florida Keys. Check out the exciting experiences they have along the way!
Ep 326 | We GO CRABBING in Peanut! Sailing Nutshell, Darwin
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 326 | We GO CRABBING in Peanut! Sailing Nutshell, Darwin
It’s time to do a bit of exploring so we pop out of the marina and head over to the nearby mangroves in Peanut to go crabbing. It's good to be back out on the water and doing what we love. Magnus has gleaned some high-level crabbing tips from a seasoned...
GIANT MUD CRAB! (World Record Search On Remote Islands)
Back 2 Basics Adventures
GIANT MUD CRAB! (World Record Search On Remote Islands)
Join Strick in search of a World Record Mud Crab! There's some Giant Mud Crabs living on this remote tropical Island. Join the B2B Tribe & Support The Channel (Exclusive Content): Get kitted out with new B2B Merch: ...
Coastal Foraging – Fish (Bass), Crab, Plus Wild Edibles & A Cook Up 😋
Sailing Cadoha
Coastal Foraging – Fish (Bass), Crab, Plus Wild Edibles & A Cook Up 😋
Join us for a day in the life of an off-grid couple living on a boat in the UK, whilst hunting and gathering our food. In this video we go coastal foraging - Foraging shellfish from the coastline and how to cook fish, mushrooms, crab and more. If you'd l...
Ep 250 | Aboriginal Rock Art on Stanley Island, Sailing Nutshell Australia
Life in a Nutshell
Ep 250 | Aboriginal Rock Art on Stanley Island, Sailing Nutshell Australia
We take Peanut to Stanley Island and stroll along the kapok lined sandy path. Magnus talks about the various flora here and its many uses. We finally arrive at the Aboriginal rock art paintings which are spectacular. Thanks for watching and see you all ...
Sailor girls reunited for Dominican to Bahamas crossing⛵️ No pants no problems🤪 Season 2 Episode 2
Sailing Zola
Sailor girls reunited for Dominican to Bahamas crossing⛵️ No pants no problems🤪 Season 2 Episode 2
Hello everyone! Like and Subscribe ❤️ After a long time in the DR we finally make it back to the beautiful Bahamas😍 Sascha from sailing the far side joins us on our journey without autopilot… again… can you guess what we catch on our hand lines...
Scuba Diving: Shark Reef Drift Dive in Grenada – Sailing Sweet Ruca
Sailing Sweet Ruca
Scuba Diving: Shark Reef Drift Dive in Grenada – Sailing Sweet Ruca
Shark Reef is off the south side of Grenada. The fast-moving Atlantic ocean current rips through here, but also provides the food for this amazing reef ecosystem. This is some of the best coral and reef life we have seen so far in the Caribbean! We droppe...
The GREAT Australian CRAB COOK OFF! Spanners Vs Mud Crab,Blue Swimmer & Crayfish Sailing Popao
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
The GREAT Australian CRAB COOK OFF! Spanners Vs Mud Crab,Blue Swimmer & Crayfish Sailing Popao
Ever wondered what's the best eating crab in Australia? Join us in the ultimate crustacean cook-off as we taste test Spanner Crabs, Mud Crabs, Blue Swimmers and the Eastern Rock Lobster against each other. Who will win? For bonus content and giveaways ple...
Catching Spanner Crabs & Cobia from our Tiny Home – Kona Crab Catch & Cook (Sailing Popao) Ep.28
Sailing Popao - Underwater Ally Productions
Catching Spanner Crabs & Cobia from our Tiny Home – Kona Crab Catch & Cook (Sailing Popao) Ep.28
Join us as we make the most of the Summer trade winds and try our hand at spanner crabbing (Kona Crabs) and we try Marlin Fishing but catch a Cobia instead. Videos Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 00:45 - Spanner Trapping 03:22 - Fishing 04:38 - Cooking Spanne...
Ep.228 Tampa Dad came to visit
Ep.228 Tampa Dad came to visit
Our Tampa Dad comes to stay with us and bring us some equipment too. Good on ya Dad! We sail, we snorkel, we argue and we breakdown....yes a typical day on Freedom and we show Bill first hand. Our motor stops and we have to tow it with the dinghy. Ha, just...
Margarida shows us she is the champ at catching crabs. I come second. Hey I don't care, I get to eat a log of crabs. The next day I am up early for a long ride out to some reefs that are a long way away. It doesn't all go to plan when the dinghy blows 1 se...
TRAILER: Wind, Sand, & Sea with Lin & Larry Pardey
TRAILER: Wind, Sand, & Sea with Lin & Larry Pardey
"Wind, Sand and Sea," a slide seminar given by Lin & Larry Pardey. Lin tells the story of the four main adventures that shaped their early sailing lives. The Pardey's gave the talk during the 2011 U.S. Sailboat Show in Annapolis, MD in support of CRAB...
Snorkeling at Crab Cay in the Exumas [Adventure Log Extra – May 2019]
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Snorkeling at Crab Cay in the Exumas [Adventure Log Extra – May 2019]
Today, we celebrate Emily's last week of work by jumping in the water at Crab Cay fot some snorkeling--something we intend to do more and more as the weather gets hotter in the Bahamas --- PLEASE SUBSCRIBE for the latest videos. CONSIDER SUPPORTING OUR C...
Ep.209 The islands of Panama simply magical
Ep.209 The islands of Panama simply magical
Margarida is back and we go sailing to explore some of the most beautiful places that the southwestern Caribbean has to offer. Margarida gets seasick on the journey but she soldiers on because she is a tough old trooper. We show off our new Tohatsu 9.8 th...