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Bucket list YouTube Videos

Showing 136-141 of 141 results
Ep. 6 – Nevis, St. Maarten, Anguilla
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Ep. 6 – Nevis, St. Maarten, Anguilla
In this episode, we head from Guadalupe to Nevis, Sint Maarten/St. Martin, and Anguilla. We get a few jobs fixed in Sint Maarten, get blown back by a passenger jet, and flip our dinghy rendering our outboard motor inoperable...... We have two more guest co...
Ep. 5 –  Dominica to Guadalupe
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Ep. 5 – Dominica to Guadalupe
We head off from Prince Rupert's Bay, Dominica to Deshaies, Guadalupe. The next morning as we try to depart Deshaies, we forget an important step in turning the engine on again and find ourselves trouble shooting for a couple days. We also have our first g...
BUCKET LIST Sailing Destination: Faial, Azores (MJ Sailing – EP 83)
MJ Sailing
BUCKET LIST Sailing Destination: Faial, Azores (MJ Sailing – EP 83)
Of all the far flung destinations to sail to in the world, Faial Azores should be near the top, for it's beauty, diversity, and sometimes surreal atmosphere.
The Key West Experience
Sailing Good, Bad, and Ugly
The Key West Experience
Join us as we take a tour of Key West Florida. We visited a couple of local spots as well as a few tourist destinations. We did all of this in a day with a budget of 200$. We hope this helps you plan your trip to Key West Florida. -----------------------...
Niagara Falls in Canada, the Good and Bad
The Adventure Travelers
Niagara Falls in Canada, the Good and Bad
This video explains getting to Niagara Falls via the Buffalo New York entry point in through Canada. We stayed at Long Point Provincial Park and drove our Prius to Niagara Falls from our RV park. If you are in an RV and have a tow vehicle, we suggest lea...
Crossing The Atlantic Ocean On A Boat – Part 3
Crossing The Atlantic Ocean On A Boat – Part 3
Here's the final video (Part 3) of our Atlantic Ocean crossing. We sailed 2800+ miles on our 56' Oyster sailboat with 6 adults and 1 five-year-old. Part 3 shows the final days of our voyage - Watch the captain swim in the sea, I catch my first mahimahi, An...