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Boat travel YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 564 results
The Au Natural Experience
Sailing Honu Time
The Au Natural Experience
São Miguel is famous for it volcanic landscape. It is a geothermal wonder! We relaxed in natural hot springs, soak in oceanfront pools, explored steaming volcanoes, and colorful crater lakes. It's nature’s spa in the Atlantic! We Have reached the ha...
Hear Why This Pro American Skipper Got Stuck In Cabo Verde Africa | Meet Captain Matt | S6 Epsd 105
Winded Voyage Sailing
Hear Why This Pro American Skipper Got Stuck In Cabo Verde Africa | Meet Captain Matt | S6 Epsd 105
#sailing #sailinglifestyle #adventure #windedvoyage #caboverde Meet Captain Matt and hear why he got stuck in Mindelo. In short he and crew set off to cross the Atlantic Ocean from Sao Vicente island into the fierce Sao Vicente canal and shredded their Gen...
Diving into the Culture of the Azores
Sailing Honu Time
Diving into the Culture of the Azores
We have been couped up on this ocean for 14 days now and it’s time to blow off some steam. But maybe we went a bit overboard by jumping into a local cultural event of running with the bulls. 😲🐂 To be honest we didn’t even know the Azores existed...
Paella De Piratas & More | How We Sailors Live & Work In Cabo Verde Africa | S6 Epsd 104
Winded Voyage Sailing
Paella De Piratas & More | How We Sailors Live & Work In Cabo Verde Africa | S6 Epsd 104
#sailing #sailinglifestyle #adventure #windedvoyage #africa #caboverde Jose, long time sailor invited us to his place where he made his famous dipping sauce. Peppers onion, garlic and olive oil. Then, the secret is to drop a piece of sizzling coal in it. ...
NO FUEL & NO WIND a Nasty Combination
Sailing Honu Time
NO FUEL & NO WIND a Nasty Combination
What do when you are 20 miles from land and the wind dies out and so does your fuel. Being adrift in the Atlantic Ocean is nothing less than terrifying. Now it's just a waiting game to see what happens next. ⛵ Almost to the Azores *If you missed any ge...
Winter In Mindelo | How I Live & Work On My Sailboat In Cabo Verde Africa | S6 Epsd 103
Winded Voyage Sailing
Winter In Mindelo | How I Live & Work On My Sailboat In Cabo Verde Africa | S6 Epsd 103
#sailing #sailinglifestyle #adventure #windedvoyage #caboverde #africa Winter here is mostly constant strong winds coming down from the north. It can go on for days, weeks. Living aboard one’s floating home, you are very concerned with the wind pushing y...
The Crew has gone INSANE ~ 13 Days at SEA
Sailing Honu Time
The Crew has gone INSANE ~ 13 Days at SEA
The mind does funny things to you when you have not seen land in almost 2 weeks. Crazy ideas start popping into your head and you start seeing things in a whole new perspective. But was this really the best idea? We Have reached the halfway ⛵ mark o...
The Simple Pleasures Of Living Aboard | How I Live & Work In Mindelo Cabo Verde Africa | S6 Epsd 102
Winded Voyage Sailing
The Simple Pleasures Of Living Aboard | How I Live & Work In Mindelo Cabo Verde Africa | S6 Epsd 102
#sailing #sailinglifestyle #windedvoyage #caboverde #africa That’s me there. Living the sailor’s life. Here in Mindelo. On my boat Galopin. I’m waiting for better weather and my crew before setting out. And I got a few things to fix on Galopin. And t...
Finally Getting a Taste of It : Day 7 Atlantic Crossing
Sailing Honu Time
Finally Getting a Taste of It : Day 7 Atlantic Crossing
Halfway across the Atlantic, the wind has finally arrived, sending us surging forward with whitecaps breaking over the deck. The boat heels hard, the rigging hums, and every movement demands balance. After days of slow progress, the energy is exhilarating...
I Couldn’t Resist Them | How I Spent My 64th Birthday In Mindelo, Cabo Verde Africa | S6 Epsd 101
Winded Voyage Sailing
I Couldn’t Resist Them | How I Spent My 64th Birthday In Mindelo, Cabo Verde Africa | S6 Epsd 101
#sailing #sailinglifestyle #windedvoyage #africa #caboverde Having my birthday mid-January, it’s too close to end of year festivities for me to partying so soon. As well it would be my 64th birthday. Not an age I enjoy announcing loudly. But this is Mind...
The Calm Before the Storm: No End in Sight
Sailing Honu Time
The Calm Before the Storm: No End in Sight
To be honest, this isn’t what we imagined when we planned for this trip. We’d braced ourselves for chaos—crashing waves, howling winds, and the raw power of the ocean. Now we must worry that we will not have enough fuel to make it across. If the ...
They Followed Me From Turkey | I Inspired Them To Sail To Sao Vicente Cabo Verde | S6 Epsd 100
Winded Voyage Sailing
They Followed Me From Turkey | I Inspired Them To Sail To Sao Vicente Cabo Verde | S6 Epsd 100
#sailing #sailinglifestyle #adventure #africa #windedvoyage This family came up to me to say hello. They said they had been following me on Winded Voyage and were inspired to sail away. They came all the way from Turkey, their homeland, two years ago. And...
Will We Come Back?
Sailing Honu Time
Will We Come Back?
Sailing to far off lands in search of a new discovery.... Here we go again. A whole new adventure. We have set sail for the longest and most incredible passage any of us have ever been on. The anticipation of doing this has been palpable for so long and n...
World’s Most Festive City | Holidays In Sao Vicente, Cabo Verde | A Sailors Perspective |S6 Epsd 99
Winded Voyage Sailing
World’s Most Festive City | Holidays In Sao Vicente, Cabo Verde | A Sailors Perspective |S6 Epsd 99
#sailing #sailinglifestyle #windedvoyage #caboverde #africa In all my travels, I have never been to a more festive place. Nowhere else will you find such an appetite to party. New Year's celebrations lasted for four nights. And this was the final night to ...
Getting Tattooed & Partying New Year’s In Mindelo | Holidays In Sao Vicente Cabo Verde | S6 Epsd 98
Winded Voyage Sailing
Getting Tattooed & Partying New Year’s In Mindelo | Holidays In Sao Vicente Cabo Verde | S6 Epsd 98
#sailing #sailinglifestyle #adventure #windedvoyage #africa #caboverde Yes, I got an anchor tattoo. Which symbolizes or says I sailed across the Atlantic Ocean. Which I accomplished a couple of years ago. I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now and...