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Almerimar YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 40 results
Episode 85 – Following Seas and Night Dives in Sardinia
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 85 – Following Seas and Night Dives in Sardinia
Lots achieved this week! Several big sails with following seas and lovely strong winds! Grocery runs and fun night dives with creepy skin biting bugs! Thank you to our wonderful patrons, you are really helping to make all this possible! Don't forget to po...
Episode 61 – Trouble at Anchor with 40 knots of wind!
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 61 – Trouble at Anchor with 40 knots of wind!
So after last episode your probably wondering what other madness we're getting up to! here's a fun crazy episode with some extra footage to recap, and I'll show you our anchoring mayhem after the storm and a very windy bay we took shelter in! Obviously the...
Episode 59 – Test sail, Departure and the Kids think they find a Severed Head!
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 59 – Test sail, Departure and the Kids think they find a Severed Head!
We are finally lifted back in the water! WOO HOO! We do some last minute jobs, test sails the kids have a scary severed head moment at anchor then we Finally depart Forever! hello to the next chapter, we've certainly been waiting long enough for this, due ...
Episode 54 – Finally we have a Lazy Jack Bag for Our Main Sail Made!
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 54 – Finally we have a Lazy Jack Bag for Our Main Sail Made!
It's taken a few years, but finally we have had a Lazy Jack bag made and Chris is ecstatic! He's nagged on long enough for it...I think he's earned it! It even took us a while to decide whether to stay with the colour, but we got there in the end, I hope y...
Episode 52 – Sailing to Beautiful Locations and Riding Horses along Deserted Beaches!
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 52 – Sailing to Beautiful Locations and Riding Horses along Deserted Beaches!
After lots of thunderstorms, fixing boat leaks and general boat life chores I think we deserved a bit of fun! We all went to ride some lovely Spanish horses in beautiful rural locations and galloped along deserted beaches...sound good!? It really was, at l...
To The Islands! 🏝 The Perfect 2 Day Sail | Ep. 36
Navika Sailing
To The Islands! 🏝 The Perfect 2 Day Sail | Ep. 36
Hey welcome back! In this video, we say goodbye to Almerimar at last and make our way to the island of Formentera, one of the Balearic Islands just south of Ibiza. We set sail and have amazing conditions. We make the most of the good wind and shoot straigh...
Wait, Didn’t We Just Do This?! Déjà Vu in the Boatyard | Ep 34
Navika Sailing
Wait, Didn’t We Just Do This?! Déjà Vu in the Boatyard | Ep 34
Hey and welcome back! In this video, we have a serious deja vu as we haul out again for a second time in 4 months. After experiencing some damage to our hull, we have no choice but to lift the boat out again to get it fixed. We make the most of it to get o...
Ep 50 – Washing Sails and Making a Lazy Jack Bag
Sailing Pickle Family
Ep 50 – Washing Sails and Making a Lazy Jack Bag
Another great fun few weeks working on Pickle. The jobs always seem never ending, but we have so much fun and learn new stuff everyday! This week we remove our Genoa (head sail) and give it a big clean before it heads off to the sail makers for a new UV st...
Episode 47 – Boat Life and Exploring for the Pickle Family!
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 47 – Boat Life and Exploring for the Pickle Family!
After a nice but tiring long sail back from Melilla In Morocco, Africa we are thoroughly enjoy the change of scenery and tranquility. Trekking hill tops, finding geckos and practicing my karate kid moves is just part of good old boat life. Jump abroad and ...
Where to Next? We’re Sailing Again | Ep. 31
Navika Sailing
Where to Next? We’re Sailing Again | Ep. 31
Hey! Welcome back. In this video, we're in the marina in Almerimar (filmed in November - we've got some delay on the videos but slowly but surely catching up to real time). We're happy to be back in the water after having hauled out. We got our new interio...
Episode 46 – Bumpy Sailing from Africa to Cabo De Gata, Spain.
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 46 – Bumpy Sailing from Africa to Cabo De Gata, Spain.
We have an exhilarating start to our sail back across the Mediterranean sea, strong winds and big swells make life lots of fun and rather bumpy. It's not long though and we can shake the reefed sails out as the winds lighten and enjoy the biggest pod of do...
Happy to Escape the Boatyard | She’s Finally Ready to SPLASH | Ep. 30
Navika Sailing
Happy to Escape the Boatyard | She’s Finally Ready to SPLASH | Ep. 30
Hello! In this video, we’re still in the boatyard in Almerimar and we continue with our boat jobs - including repainting the hull and repainting our boot stripe. We polish up the prop and apply a special prop antifouling to it as well. We take some time ...
Ep 45   We get Escorted by the Guardia into Melilla Marina!
Sailing Pickle Family
Ep 45 We get Escorted by the Guardia into Melilla Marina!
We have a fabulous day sailing the local Melilla coast line, enjoying the peace and quiet and sunshine of beautiful Morocco. Then one evening we have another visit from the Guardia...this is becoming a habit ;-) they escort us into the Marina and we have t...
Ep 44 Sailing and Skinny dipping Adventures Along the African Coast
Sailing Pickle Family
Ep 44 Sailing and Skinny dipping Adventures Along the African Coast
After strong winds and a swelly day at anchor we have a stolen tender and quite an exciting few days! We catch a baby barracuda, make yummy boat bread, have a wonderful sail to a stunning little cove, where we can chill out in the beautiful Moroccan sunshi...
Episode 43   Dinghy Ashore to Explore Melilla
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 43 Dinghy Ashore to Explore Melilla
We have so much fun this episode! We explore Old Town, New Town, hidden little fortifications and enjoy beautiful restaurants. After finding the elusive and stunning cove, we get more than we bargain for when we order local fish of the day! Join us next t...