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Adventueres YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
260nm Mona Passage Sail (Cruise Ship NEARLY Hit Us!) [Puerto Rico to Luperon DR]
Adventureman Dan
260nm Mona Passage Sail (Cruise Ship NEARLY Hit Us!) [Puerto Rico to Luperon DR]
In this thrilling video, marine expert and seasoned sailor Adventureman Dan recounts his harrowing journey of a 260 nautical mile crossing through the dangerous Mona Passage between the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. Join him as he navigates treachero...
Why I LOVE My Sailboat (She Can Do ANYTHING!!!)
Adventureman Dan
Why I LOVE My Sailboat (She Can Do ANYTHING!!!)
I've sailed, slept, cooked, eaten and lived on my beautiful 1894 Beneteau Idylle 38' monohull sailboat Adventureborne for the past five and a half years. And all I can say, is I LOVE this sailboat! Get ready for positivity on top of positivity all about ...
Sailing the Seas My Journey to a Self Sufficient Ocean Lifestyle #boat #fishing #sailboat #adventure
Adventureman Dan
401 Days (Part 1) Sailing & Exploring USA & Bahamas
Adventureman Dan
401 Days (Part 1) Sailing & Exploring USA & Bahamas
The is the beginning of a very big story! The longest time I've consecutively sailed and cruised. The longest time I've lived at anchor, the most fish I've spearfished and eaten. And of course, I did it all with my budget 1984 Beneteau Idylle. Originally b...