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Adventure #23 of 57 – La Jolla Shores paddling this awesome SUP board from Everyday California!
The Adventure Travelers
Adventure #23 of 57 – La Jolla Shores paddling this awesome SUP board from Everyday California!
Everyday California is a renowned local business in La Jolla, California, offering a variety of ocean adventure activities and eco-friendly products. Here's a glimpse into what they offer:   Ocean Adventures Kayaking Tours: Explore the stunning La Jol...
Top 10 Must have items for boatlife | Living on your sailboat | Sailing Sunday
Sailing Sunday
Top 10 Must have items for boatlife | Living on your sailboat | Sailing Sunday
Please Subscribe and support our channel. Every Sunday we release a new video of us sailing around the world but here is another video of the top 10 small items for your boat (apart from the obvious bigticket items and safety gear! If you have any questi...