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Sailing St. Kitts/Nevis to St. Marteen
May 12, 2019
Sailing St. Kitts/Nevis to St. Marteen

Sailing St. Kitts/Nevis to St. Marteen

Sailing St. Kitts/Nevis to St. Marteen

After a month in Antigua it was time to set sail to another couple islands. Before making our way to St. Marteen, we couldn’t miss the opportunity to meet up with our buddy Trevor and his crew in St. Kitts. The timing couldn’t have been better to spend a few fun days with a great hometown friend while of course make new ones.

We then continue to sail on another long stretch of sea to the isolated mountain of an island called Saba, sticking straight out from the ocean shore for a single night before lifting the sails first thing the next morning to St. Marteen. All covering 4 islands, 3 barracudas, 1 dorado and the 80 nautical miles along the way.

Then sailing to St. Marteen, where we first arrived just a year prior on our way to the purchase and transport the boat, we explore the still devastated rubble of the hurricane, now an underwater graveyard to many lost boats. Here we visit Maho beach and get jet blasted by the incoming planes with our friends, make final French provisions, meet many new incredible people and prepare for our first overnight longest passage to date. 12 hours to sail from St. Marteen to Tortola where we meet up with some more hometown friends for a week in the BVIs.

Sailing St. Kitts/Nevis to St. Marteen Locations

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