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Dear Skin Cancer Get Off Our Sailboat Ep 104
May 14, 2021
Dear Skin Cancer Get Off Our Sailboat Ep 104

Dear Skin Cancer Get Off Our Sailboat Ep 104

Dear Skin Cancer Get Off Our Sailboat Ep 104

Dear Skin Cancer Get Off Our Sailboat Ep 104

You can support the creative process in making artistic content (hopefully that’s the category these videos fall into) and keeping us afloat here:

What do you do when you are sailing the world but you need to see a doctor about a potential skin cancer? Rob has a dodgy looking mole that he’s been told he needs to get removed so he made an appointment with the first GP he found in the phone book. However, on the way to that appointment we ran past a skin care clinic. Even though the clinic was closed for the day for renovations the Doctor in charge took pity on us. She opened her surgery just for Rob but then found she had two patients to treat on her day off.

Voyageur – All I wanted
Luna Keller -I don’t know where I’m going
Voyageur – All I wanted instrumental

After a long and drawn out process taking nearly three years filled with doubt and anxiety about whether or not to take the plunge we have set up a Patreon page for creators of artistic content here:

Due to travel restrictions our income has been massively compromised to the point where we either drop the anchor for the last time or, reluctantly, we seek financial support to continue our creative process.
Should you choose to support our journey please know that we are very grateful and hope that the rewards meet your expectations. Any contribution will be helping produce videos (which take between 30 to 50 hours a week to make) and support on going boat maintenance.
Regardless, we are stoked if you take the time to watch our journey. Even better if you take the time to ‘like’, ‘comment’ or ‘share’ (or all of the above) our YouTube videos. These are free things that help us enormously.
Thank you!
Rob, Rachel, Finn, Declan, Ivan

In 1997, after rowing at the Atlanta Olympics, Rob decided to row a tiny seven-metre plywood boat, 2500 miles from Tenerife in the Canary Islands to Barbados in the Caribbean. It took 6 weeks and he and his rowing partner, Phil Stubbs, won the inaugural Atlantic Rowing Race. His first taste of a blue water ocean crossing.
Skip forward to 2014 and, married with three children, Rob and Rachel purchased Javelot a 43 ft Fountaine Pajot catamaran. Armed only with Rob’s 3 years of racing P class yachts from the age of 11 to 13, and Rachel’s non existent sailing knowledge, we set off to learn the ropes of ocean sailing. We broke stuff, replaced stuff and got to know our boat before heading offshore with the kids, Finn 18, Declan 16 and Ivan 13, in tow. Through trial and error, we have become confident wayfarers, kind of.
Our plan? To sail around the world.
Part of the journey will be retracing Rob’s eldest brother Kerry’s travels at sea. Using Kerry’s original letters from the 1970’s we will re trace his movements from Australia through Indonesia and South East Asia to Cambodia where Kerry’s life was cut short after straying into Cambodian waters in 1978. Kerry and two friends were attacked by a Khmer Rouge gun boat, captured, tortured and executed.
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Dear Skin Cancer Get Off Our Sailboat Ep 104 Locations

Note of Recognition for The Cruising Kiwis

At, we profoundly acknowledge the unwavering dedication that The Cruising Kiwis and other creators invests in crafting each and every video. Their passion for delivering exceptional content shines through every frame, and it's a labor of love that deserves your attention.

We invite you to watch their captivating videos and actively engage with their content, including their social media links above. Liking, commenting, and sharing their work goes a long way in fueling their creative fire.

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