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Gathering Fire Wood In Winter On A Spooky Island Sailor Barry and Hailly season 2
April 26, 2024
Gathering Fire Wood In Winter On A Spooky Island Sailor Barry and Hailly season 2

Gathering Fire Wood In Winter On A Spooky Island Sailor Barry and Hailly season 2

Gathering Fire Wood In Winter On A Spooky Island Sailor Barry and Hailly season 2

Gathering Firewood in Winter on a Spooky Island with Sailor Barry and Haily Season 2

In this captivating episode of Sailor Barry and Haily Season 2, our fearless duo sets out on a mission to gather firewood for the Christmas season. With winter setting in, the quest becomes all the more challenging as they navigate through the spooky landscape of Vance Island.

The Search for Firewood

With a chainsaw in hand, Sailor Barry and Haily are determined to chop enough firewood to last them at least a couple of weeks. However, they soon realize that Vance Island, despite its beauty, holds secrets lurking beneath its surface.

An Unexpected Discovery

As they explore the island, an unexpected find adds a touch of mystery to their adventure. A weathered object bearing the year 2014 catches their attention, leading them to wonder about its origins and significance on this eerie island.

The Winter Snap and Plans for Solar Power

While Sailor Barry and Haily face the challenges of winter, Nathan is busy preparing to set up a 400-watt bifacial solar panel on the davit. The plan is to boost solar power capacity aboard Thunderchild and ensure that life continues smoothly despite the harsh conditions.

Enjoying Christmas on Land

Aftrer completing their island mission, Sailor Barry and Haily pack up to enjoy the festivities with Haley’s family on land. A much-needed break from the winter storms provides them with a chance to reconnect with loved ones and indulge in their favorite games like Settlers of Katan.

Upgrading Boat Amenities

As they prepare for their return to Gabriola, the couple makes an exciting addition to their boat. They install a hot water on demand system, sourced from a local home and garden store, providing them with access to showers on board. This upgrade represents a significant step forward in enhancing their onboard living experience.


This episode of Sailor Barry and Haily is a testament to their adventurous spirit and willingness to overcome obstacles. As they gather firewood in the heart of winter, uncover mysteries, and make improvements to their boat, they continue to captivate viewers with their compelling narrative.

Thanks for tuning in! Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share your thoughts in the comments below. Stay with us as we embark on more thrilling journeys through the world of boating and sailing adventures.

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Sailor Barry & Hailly Season 2 is HERE!
And this is the crazy story of how we got Thunder Child!

Saker Chain Saw:
Thanks so much for this delightful and very useful tool for off grid life and boat building!

Part One:

Settlers Of Catan with Sailor Barry, Hailly, Finding Simon & Nathan! Live Q&A and Tacos! 🌮

Favourite boatworks youtube:

Http:// - Barry

Http:// - Hailly

Gathering Fire Wood In Winter On A Spooky Island Sailor Barry and Hailly season 2 Locations

  • Vance Island, British Columbia, Canada (49.1526058,-123.1500146)

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