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Ep. 73 - How to Cross the Panama Canal Without an Agent (Part 2, Crossing Day 1)
May 12, 2021
Ep. 73 - How to Cross the Panama Canal Without an Agent (Part 2, Crossing Day 1)

Ep. 73 - How to Cross the Panama Canal Without an Agent (Part 2, Crossing Day 1)

Ep. 73 – How to Cross the Panama Canal Without an Agent (Part 2, Crossing Day 1)

For our 2 day southbound transit of the Panama Canal (1 day for northbound) After being told by the Canal Authority to anchor in “The Flats” at noon, we waited over 4 hours until our advisor came aboard and directed us to the canal. We tied onto a tug so we didn’t have to adjust any lines on the way 85 feet up into Lake Gatun! Tying up onto a mooring buoy for the night, we make dinner and prep to finish the transit the following day.

Prices for Jan 2021, 65′ and under LOA

💥Cost BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front) in USD$$$💥
We did it for just under 💵$2,000💵 total

$2,675 paid to the canal Authority at Citibank
$891 of that is a buffer fee if there are no hiccups during transit. You’ll receive that back in 60 days from transit completion
$25 of the buffer won’t be returned due to wire transfer fees
$140 (depending on if or who you rent fenders and lines from
+ Food and Fuel Cost

Current prices and all information can be found here:

1. Fill out admeasurement request
and send it to
2. Call to Admeasurement to schedule and inspection
+507 272-4571 (Balboa/Pacific/Northbound Transit) and +507 443-2298 (Cristobal/Caribbean/Southbound Transit)

1. Take the Admeasurement form given to you after they inspect and go to Citibank in Colon or Balboa (whichever is closer for your direction of transit) to pay. The Colon location is in the port area, and the Balboa location is by Niko’s Cafe. They don’t speak English. There is no on site ATM to pull money out, and you must pay in cash. Fees at the bank’s ATM a few buildings down from the Colon Citibank location were $5.XX and only let you take out $250 at a time.
2. After you’ve paid, scan all your documents received for payment from the bank, and send to to confirm receipt of payment.

Schedule your Transit:
1. After 6pm call +507 272‐4202 to schedule a date
2. On the day before your transit, call the same number to confirm your transit. And to get instructions on where to be and when the following day to pick up your advisor.

To rent lines and fenders we called Marco, the son of Tito who we found in another cruiser’s video, at +507 6868-6643 on what’s app who came the day before crossing with x4 big blue lines 125 ft in length each and x5 ball fenders for $140. He’ll schedule picking them up after you transit.

Make sure you have x1 Helmsman and x4 Line Handlers the day of transit


We were told to anchor in “the flats” outside shelter bay at 12 pm but the advisor they assign to come on your boat doesn’t arrive until 4-5 pm.

Your advisor is there to advise only and not drive the boat. Must have bottled water and a good meal for him while he is there until you get through the Gatun locks. Coffee is advised to have on board. The advisor the next day wanted some and got pissy when we didn’t have coffee or tea.

After the Gatun locks, while headed southbound to the Pacific side, you tie to a giant mooring ball that they direct you to, and they take your advisor off for the night. In the morning another advisor comes between 7-9:45 am and you motor to the pacific locks.
(5 knots min required, and our advisor kept trying to push our engine faster and we had issues for a min and almost lost our deposit. Stick to what you and your boat are comfortable with.)

After you pass through the Pacific locks that same day, they will send a boat to grab your advisor off while underway around the Balboa yacht club.

🏅🏅🏅If you found this video and write up helpful, chuck a few bones 💵 our way if you feel inclined to 🏅🏅🏅

💥Huge THANKS to our Patrons for your continued support!!!💥

Lieutenant Dan Level and Higher Patrons
🙌Jackie Costas🙌
🙌Meredith Welsh🙌

If you enjoyed this video and want to see more, consider becoming our Patron. Your funds help keep the ⛵boat ⛵ afloat and help us purchase more equipment to keep us safe along the way.

💻For more information on the crew/boat/journey visit💻

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🎬Edited by: Jason Kruger @krugball🎬

Music (Theme Song): Rudy Willingham – Cali

Rudy Willingham – Jade

Follow our boat on NOFOREIGNLAND:

DISCLAIMER: We are not professional sailors, mechanics, engineers, etc. We are two idiots that bought a boat and are trying to get it around the world without sinking or drowning. Any advice here is purely for entertainment or broad information. Always seek out a professional in whatever you do. S/V Full Send and its crew are not responsible for anything you do based off what you watch.

For our 2 day southbound transit of the Panama Canal (1 day for northbound) After being told by the Canal Authority to anchor in "The Flats" at noon, we waited over 4 hours until our advisor came aboard and directed us to the canal. We tied onto a tug so we didn't have to adjust any lines on the way 85 feet up into Lake Gatun! Tying up onto a mooring buoy for the night, we make dinner and prep to finish the transit the following day.

Prices for Jan 2021, 65' and under LOA

💥Cost BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front) in USD$$$💥
We did it for just under 💵$2,000💵 total

$2,675 paid to the canal Authority at Citibank
$891 of that is a buffer fee if there are no hiccups during transit. You'll receive that back in 60 days from transit completion
$25 of the buffer won't be returned due to wire transfer fees
$140 (depending on if or who you rent fenders and lines from
+ Food and Fuel Cost

Current prices and all information can be found here:

1. Fill out admeasurement request
and send it to
2. Call to Admeasurement to schedule and inspection
+507 272-4571 (Balboa/Pacific/Northbound Transit) and +507 443-2298 (Cristobal/Caribbean/Southbound Transit)

1. Take the Admeasurement form given to you after they inspect and go to Citibank in Colon or Balboa (whichever is closer for your direction of transit) to pay. The Colon location is in the port area, and the Balboa location is by Niko's Cafe. They don't speak English. There is no on site ATM to pull money out, and you must pay in cash. Fees at the bank's ATM a few buildings down from the Colon Citibank location were $5.XX and only let you take out $250 at a time.
2. After you've paid, scan all your documents received for payment from the bank, and send to to confirm receipt of payment.

Schedule your Transit:
1. After 6pm call +507 272‐4202 to schedule a date
2. On the day before your transit, call the same number to confirm your transit. And to get instructions on where to be and when the following day to pick up your advisor.

To rent lines and fenders we called Marco, the son of Tito who we found in another cruiser's video, at +507 6868-6643 on what's app who came the day before crossing with x4 big blue lines 125 ft in length each and x5 ball fenders for $140. He'll schedule picking them up after you transit.

Make sure you have x1 Helmsman and x4 Line Handlers the day of transit


We were told to anchor in "the flats" outside shelter bay at 12 pm but the advisor they assign to come on your boat doesn’t arrive until 4-5 pm.

Your advisor is there to advise only and not drive the boat. Must have bottled water and a good meal for him while he is there until you get through the Gatun locks. Coffee is advised to have on board. The advisor the next day wanted some and got pissy when we didn’t have coffee or tea.

After the Gatun locks, while headed southbound to the Pacific side, you tie to a giant mooring ball that they direct you to, and they take your advisor off for the night. In the morning another advisor comes between 7-9:45 am and you motor to the pacific locks.
(5 knots min required, and our advisor kept trying to push our engine faster and we had issues for a min and almost lost our deposit. Stick to what you and your boat are comfortable with.)

After you pass through the Pacific locks that same day, they will send a boat to grab your advisor off while underway around the Balboa yacht club.

🏅🏅🏅If you found this video and write up helpful, chuck a few bones 💵 our way if you feel inclined to 🏅🏅🏅

💥Huge THANKS to our Patrons for your continued support!!!💥

Lieutenant Dan Level and Higher Patrons
🙌Jackie Costas🙌
🙌Meredith Welsh🙌

If you enjoyed this video and want to see more, consider becoming our Patron. Your funds help keep the ⛵boat ⛵ afloat and help us purchase more equipment to keep us safe along the way.

💻For more information on the crew/boat/journey visit💻

📸Follow us on Instagram📸

👍Like us on Facebook👍

📱Follow us on Twitter📱

🎬Edited by: Jason Kruger @krugball🎬

Music (Theme Song): Rudy Willingham - Cali

Rudy Willingham - Jade

Follow our boat on NOFOREIGNLAND:

DISCLAIMER: We are not professional sailors, mechanics, engineers, etc. We are two idiots that bought a boat and are trying to get it around the world without sinking or drowning. Any advice here is purely for entertainment or broad information. Always seek out a professional in whatever you do. S/V Full Send and its crew are not responsible for anything you do based off what you watch.

Ep. 73 - How to Cross the Panama Canal Without an Agent (Part 2, Crossing Day 1) Locations

  • Panama Canal (9.1223491,-79.7311627)

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