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Rigging Doctor
February 2, 2025
Rigging Doctor

Rigging Doctor – Page 2

WE FOUND A DINGHY! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 15
WE FOUND A DINGHY! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 15
A time lapse of Maddie's 2 hour plein air painting occurs. We look at a new dinghy and decide that it's the one for us! Herby talks about his feelings toward Tooth II. Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website:...
Sailing Wisdom: Cruiser Errands | Ep 16
Sailing Wisdom: Cruiser Errands | Ep 16
Maddie and Herby use the day for errands and Maddie gets a new (used) bike! Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: Music: Music provided by Ben...
Sailing Wisdom: DOLPHINS! | Ep 17
Sailing Wisdom: DOLPHINS! | Ep 17
Maddie and Herby leave Easton and sail through calms and storms to get to South River. Along the way they see some wonderful things including a large pod of hunting dolphins! Follow us on Instagram:
Sailing Wisdom: Exercise and Rain | Ep 18
Sailing Wisdom: Exercise and Rain | Ep 18
Herby and Maddie go for a jog and bike ride with Morty while they're close to land. They clean the deck and then use the following rainy day to collect rain water and relax. Follow us on Instagram:
Sailing Wisdom: CRAB ATTACK! | Ep 19
Sailing Wisdom: CRAB ATTACK! | Ep 19
Maddie and Herby collect over 30 gallons if rain water! They go to a crab restaurant and Maddie gives a tutorial on how to eat a Maryland crab. Follow us on Instagram: Check out our w...
Sailing Wisdom: Full Sail, Full Day! | Ep 20
Sailing Wisdom: Full Sail, Full Day! | Ep 20
Herby and Maddie give each other onboard haircuts before they set sail for an anchorage further up the river. They are then able to visit their other sailboat on the hard and pump him out. Follow us on Instagram: http://www...
Sailing Wisdom: Cruiser Projects | Ep 21
Sailing Wisdom: Cruiser Projects | Ep 21
Maddie Herby take down, flake, and drop off their mainsail for maintenance. Herby does some work on Tooth III, and Maddie reveals her secret for combatting seasickness! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: h...
Sailing Wisdom: New Friends, New Dinghy! | Ep 22
Sailing Wisdom: New Friends, New Dinghy! | Ep 22
Maddie and Herby discuss how to choose a good anchorage. They meet new cruising friends and bring Tooth III to the boat! There's a delicious dinner and it all ends in a party. Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Insta...
Navigation Explained! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 23
Navigation Explained! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 23
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.comhu/riggingdoctor Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: Music: Music provided by Bensound Music: Music pro...
Sailing Wisdom: The Shakedown | Ep 24
Sailing Wisdom: The Shakedown | Ep 24
Herby paints and installs the dinghy rack. He and Maddie discuss the importance of a shakedown cruise and why they are still in Maryland. Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram:
Being Green/Self-Sufficient | Sailing Wisdom Ep 25
Being Green/Self-Sufficient | Sailing Wisdom Ep 25
It's a rainy day and the sail still hasn't come in. Herby organizes his clothes, they collect tons of rain water and use it to wash dishes, and they go for a bike ride to grab some hair dye. They then discuss all of the various ways in which their lives ha...
Laundry on a boat! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 26
Laundry on a boat! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 26
Herby puts finishing touches on the dinghy rack and Maddie cooks lunch. They do laundry aboard and give Morty a much needed bath before letting him roam ashore. Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: http://ww...
Thomas Point | Sailing Wisdom Ep 27
Thomas Point | Sailing Wisdom Ep 27
The sail has arrived! Maddie and Herby finally set sail for a gem of a destination in the Chesapeake Bay. Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: h...
Sailing Wisdom: Island Explorers | Ep 28
Sailing Wisdom: Island Explorers | Ep 28
Herby and Maddie slowly creep along with their electric motor when they are becalmed until they reach a magical river filled with amazing islands to explore! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram:
Sailing Wisdom: Magical Forest Island | Ep 29
Sailing Wisdom: Magical Forest Island | Ep 29
Maddie and Herby explore a beautiful forest island and sail to a restaurant in West River for dinner. They will be on vacation for a week with no more videos until their return! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Ins...
Sailing Wisdom: A Day in a Life | Ep 30
Sailing Wisdom: A Day in a Life | Ep 30
We jump to just before the past week. Herby starts up early in the morning as we slowly ghost out of West River. It's a simple day, but they arrive in their new marina with plenty of daylight to spare and they feel safe leaving the boat for the week of the...
Sailing Wisdom: Eclipse, Sextant, Biking, and More! | Ep 31
Sailing Wisdom: Eclipse, Sextant, Biking, and More! | Ep 31
Herby continues trip preparations and demonstrates how to look at a solar eclipse through a sextant! We get glasses and go to one of our favorite restaurants for old time's sake while we're back in town. Support us on Patreon:
Our Electric Motor | Sailing Wisdom Ep 32
Our Electric Motor | Sailing Wisdom Ep 32
Subscribe: Have you heard about electric boats? Have you wondered how well that would work out? Herby describes the ins and outs of our electric motor. Our motor isn't from Electric Yachts and is ...
Road Trip to Canada! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 33
Road Trip to Canada! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 33
We take a side trip to Canada which includes Niagara Falls and a barnyard performance! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: http://www.riggingdo...
Summer Sail and Pickle Tasting | Sailing Wisdom Ep 34
Summer Sail and Pickle Tasting | Sailing Wisdom Ep 34
We run aground again (thanks for your help, Andrew), fill our tanks, get sailing south, discuss synthetic life lines, and taste test our pickles! It's a good time. Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: http:...
Fair Winds and Corgi Snuggles | Sailing Wisdom Ep 35
Fair Winds and Corgi Snuggles | Sailing Wisdom Ep 35
We continue the trek north toward Solomons. Maddie reads, Morty is in an extra adorable mood, we talk about boat decks, and almost get hit by a tug in the dark!! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: http://...
Shark Teeth and Boat Yoga | Sailing Wisdom Ep 36
Shark Teeth and Boat Yoga | Sailing Wisdom Ep 36
Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: Music: Music provided by Bensound
SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 37
SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 37
We were thrown around so much at our terrible anchorage that neither of us had gotten any sleep when we set sail once again towards Solomons. We got there in good time, but there was a lot to be done upon our arrival! Support us on Patreon:
Wine Tasting and Fixing the Stove | Sailing Wisdom Ep 38
Wine Tasting and Fixing the Stove | Sailing Wisdom Ep 38
It's a rainy day so Maddie goes wine tasting while Herby fixes the stove. Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: Mus...
Fun on Solomons Island | Sailing Wisdom Ep 39
Fun on Solomons Island | Sailing Wisdom Ep 39
We explore Solomons Island on our bikes! We visit the Calvert Maritime Museum and find out about the fossils we found on the cliffs and grab some wine before heading to a delicious dinner! Support us on Patreon: Foll...
Monitor Windvane Explained! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 40
Monitor Windvane Explained! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 40
Herby drills some holes in our new oars and does some varnishing before his parents head out and we begin our sail to St. Mary's river! On the way, Maddie struggles with seasickness and Herby discusses the Monitor Windvane. Support us on Patreon: http://...
Rough Seas and Following Storms | Sailing Wisdom Ep 41
Rough Seas and Following Storms | Sailing Wisdom Ep 41
We start with some cool shots of beating through big seas. Maddie continues to battle seasickness and then a beautiful storm decides to pass over us in the middle of the night... ASupport us on Patreon: Follow us on In...
A Perfect Day | Sailing Wisdom Ep 42
A Perfect Day | Sailing Wisdom Ep 42
We drop anchor in St. Mary's river and pack a picnic. It's a rough dinghy ride over to the beach, but it's well worth it! We spend a perfect day relaxing and swimming before rowing back to raise the sails and continue on. Support us on Patreon: http://ww...
Pets On A Boat | Sailing Wisdom Ep 43
Pets On A Boat | Sailing Wisdom Ep 43
We find a marina in st. Mary's where we are able to do some work and talk about important things like what it's like to have pets on a boat. Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram:
All About the Solar | Sailing Wisdom Ep 44
All About the Solar | Sailing Wisdom Ep 44
Herby explains the solar panels and how they are tied into our electrical system. He also gives some pointers about cooking on a fixed stove while sailing and underway. #solar Patreon: Shirts:
Fun With Friends | Sailing Wisdom Ep 45
Fun With Friends | Sailing Wisdom Ep 45
Maddie and Herby host two good friends for the weekend and have a fabulous time "showing them the ropes!" Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: ...
Hammock, Shower, and Departure! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 46
Hammock, Shower, and Departure! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 46
Maddie rigs up the Hammock and relaxes before sharing how we take warm showers on the deck! They then set off for Smith Island despite the looming weather. Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: http://www.ins...
Hurricane Jose | Sailing Wisdom Ep 47
Hurricane Jose | Sailing Wisdom Ep 47
Plans to go to Smith Island are once again thwarted by the weather and we end up turning South into the Great Wicomico River. Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: Chec...
In the Great Wicomico | Sailing Wisdom Ep 48
In the Great Wicomico | Sailing Wisdom Ep 48
We are forced to wait out the storms in the Great Wicomico River but we make the most of the situation! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Instagram: Check out our website: http...
What’s in Reedville? | Sailing Wisdom Ep 49
What’s in Reedville? | Sailing Wisdom Ep 49
Maddie and Herby spend the day exploring the beautiful, quiet town of Reedville. The day includes a museum tour, a peak at some of the Victorian homes, and ice cream to top it off. Support us on Patreon: Follow us on ...
Boat Hacks: Simple Liveaboard and Cruising Strategies! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 50
Boat Hacks: Simple Liveaboard and Cruising Strategies! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 50
Check out Part 2: Maddie and Herby demonstrate small things that make a BIG difference for them as both liveaboards and cruisers. Patreon: Merchandise: