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Down East Circle Part 5 - Chapter 6
January 18, 2019
Down East Circle Part 5 - Chapter 6

Down East Circle Part 5 - Chapter 6

Down East Circle Part 5 – Chapter 6

1. Leaving Sloop Cove’s gray sand beach and sculptured Thrum Cap behind we pointed the boat seaward toward West Ironbound Island, where we had entered the La Have two weeks ago. Today we have one last stop to make in Mahone Bay at the town of Mahone Bay, famous for its three landmark churches that grace the inner harbour.

2. The waves were reduced to only a swell at Point Enrage and passing the entrance to Lunenburg Harbour without pausing there was not an easy thing to do. From near Little Duck Island a view to the head of the bay opened up and we could see boats racing in the final day of Chester Race week.

3. The wind kept adjusting it self in our favor, and we sailed under spinnaker right to Strum Island, that marks the entrance to Mahone Harbour. At that point, with other vessel traffic near by, the spinnaker was replaced by the jib and with the wind still fair we sailed nearly as far as Inchcape Rock, just off of town.

4. The spires of three of the town’s five churches are clearly visible upon entering the harbour and there are a number of prominent homes and farms along its sloping South side. Much of the northern side of the harbour is taken up by moored vessels which are serviced by water taxi. It was the height of the season and not a single mooring was available to rent so we wound up rather oddly tied to the end of a floating dock.

5. All in all it worked out ok; from the dock we enjoyed easy access to town, which we immediately set out to explore, searching for a place to have dinner. As dusk fell we strolled back to the boat as I photographed some of the colourful period homes that line Mahone Bay’s quite streets.

6. Loons called me awake the following morning and I set out to find a place for coffee, and explore the town and look more closely at the churches. There is a weekend outdoor market downtown and I managed to get some fresh produce on my way back to the boat. We spent the rest of the day relaxing at the dock, walking and looking in the shops that line the streets next to the harbour.

7. That evening we enjoyed dinner in Phantasia’s cockpit while activity on the busy harbour finally began to subside.

8. Tomorrows sail would take us back to St. Margarets Bay and then to Shining Waters where would had arranged to haul out and store the boat. Our friends John and Brenda drove over from Seabright and John sailed back with us. Another ideal day, with the wind well aft and under clear skies, we sailed to Hubley cove for a final night on the boat. It was hard to believe we had been gone for month.

Down East Circle Part 5 - Chapter 6 Locations

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