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Sailing Off The Beaten Path: Ragged Islands (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep.50)
July 16, 2020
Sailing Off The Beaten Path: Ragged Islands (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep.50)

Sailing Off The Beaten Path: Ragged Islands (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep.50)

Sailing Off The Beaten Path: Ragged Islands (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep.50)

In this episode, we sail from Long Island to Water Cay, north of the Ragged Island chain and enjoy perfect conditions with light breeze and the clearest, bluest water we’ve ever seen. We are visited by a dolphin and manage to catch a fish for dinner. The following day we do it all over again as we make our way down the island chain. Sailing these islands is the beginning of an adventure (an adventure within an adventure?) that in our wildest dreams we could never have imagined. You’ll see what we mean in coming episodes as the ‘Ragged Island’ series unfolds . . .

There really couldn’t be a more perfect episode for our 50th video. We never imagined we’d be in this position, 1.5 years of videos later, still out here living our dream. There’s no one in the world we’d rather share this dream with then YOU, either – Our viewers and folks who just want to come along for the ride with us. That said, whether you’ve been along for the journey since day 1, or have only just found us now, if you’d like more access to the adventure and in that process a way to support our video production, then consider joining our Patreon family! We’d be stoked to welcome you in 🙂 Check it out at

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Sailing Off The Beaten Path: Ragged Islands (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep.50) Locations

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