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I'm Leaving My Join Delos, (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep. 65)
November 29, 2020
I'm Leaving My Join Delos, (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep. 65)

I'm Leaving My Join Delos, (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep. 65)

I’m Leaving My Husband……to Join Delos, (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep. 65)

Well this is a first for us, Calico Skies is setting out to sea for an eight hundred mile passage without Grace onboard. What?! Ya! In this episode, Grace joins the S/V Delos crew to help sail her back to the US and play with little Miss Nugget. Always up for an adventure, Bill has volunteered to sail Calico Skies to the U.S solo. We believe in challenging ourselves and continuously trying new things. For Grace that’s an offshore passage on a boat other than Calico Skies and for Bill that’s aiming to beat his solo sailing record by over 400 miles.

Thanks to Covid, we’ve spent three unplanned months in the Ragged Islands, so Calico Skies is pretty low on diesel. Motoring, therefore, must be kept to a minimum on this 800 mile passage but predicted weather looks good for our sail around Cape Hatteras and straight into the Chesapeake Bay. Compounding the fuel issue is the fact that our Honda 2000 generator has finally died. Calico Skies will need to charge the batteries with the engine to in order to use the nav instruments and most important to a single hander – The autopilot.

None of us could have imagined what the outcome of these passages would be – It certainly wasn’t what we planned. In the end though we DID accomplish our goals and in the process both of us learned so much.

0:00 Intro
1:36 Crew Swap
5:20 Who needs a passport, some world traveler?!
6:45 Fuel level concerns
7:27 Code Zero Sailing, get the whomper out!
9:03 First night of passage, getting clear of the the Bahamas
12:20 Out into the gulf stream

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