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Coming Together During Covid (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep. 54)
August 20, 2020
Coming Together During Covid (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep. 54)

Coming Together During Covid (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep. 54)

Coming Together During Covid (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep. 54)

This episode depicts the early stages of our ‘covid experience’. In it, we begin to make our way back up the Ragged Island chain enjoying a beautiful sail with our Code Zero or Gennaker. Upon arriving to our new spot we enjoy a bonfire on a gorgeous white sand beach and watch the sun set. Though we had plans to leave the Ragged Islands and head back to civilization we decide to pause on that idea while the first news of Covid emerges. We have plenty of provisions, have just made some awesome new friends (first Brian & Kazza of Delos followed by Andy & Charli) and don’t have the right wind to sail out of the Raggeds anyway so our decision to stay longer is made.

The next day we make pizza dough, enjoy a kayak ride and later hang out with our new friends. We also have a special moment with an enormous loggerhead turtle who swims through the anchorage.

Our decision to stay in the Raggeds marked the beginning of an experience to follow that was unimaginable at the time. When the news of Covid first broke uncertainty was felt by everyone. Being with a group of people all experiencing the same thing at the same time solidified our friendships even more quickly than usual. From the very beginning, we came together, shared resources, and lent support to each other. The foundation for what was to become a deeply bonded group of folks, during what eventually become a global pandemic, was laid during these first weeks. In that respect, this video is the first chapter of a story. As always, the backdrop is the alternative lifestyle we pursue as cruisers who seek to be close to nature and live more simply. Only this time there’s an unexpected plot twist that for the first time does not have to do with the weather nor is about some new breakage or installation project. Who would have thought??
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