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Navegar en el paraíso en Turquia (#42)
Published: Aug 10, 2018
Navegar en el paraíso en Turquia (#42)
#paraiso #navegar #familiamexicana #vivirelsueño Hola mi gente bella, somos una familia mexicana viajando en velero , aqui les dejo nuestro segundo video sobre este proyecto de viajar en el mediterráneo, una hermosa aventura y con mucha emoción la compa...
1 year liveaboard – Summary of our first year on Sailing Seatramp
Sailing Seatramp
Published: May 20, 2018
1 year liveaboard – Summary of our first year on Sailing Seatramp
Wow! On 20th May 2017 we slept the first night on our boat Seatramp. Since then, we visited 9 countries, sailed around 7000 miles and still love what we are doing! Big thanks to all of you who watch our weekly episodes and follow us in that part of our ...