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Salt & Tar: Ep.288- Racing Against the Clock
Salt & Tar
Published: May 31, 2024
Salt & Tar: Ep.288- Racing Against the Clock
4 days to get it done! Repainting and minor repairs before we set sail once again. If you want to get out in Banderas Bay, here in Mexico, contact our friends Tony and Monika! Cheers ...
Salt & Tar: Ep.287- Overdue Haul Out
Salt & Tar
Published: May 24, 2024
Salt & Tar: Ep.287- Overdue Haul Out
Sorry for the wait!!! Hope you enjoy the lead up to and first day of our haul out :) Thanks for watching! p.s. I try and reply to as many comments as I can but we are still so so busy so please do not take it personally 💕 Much love!!! https://salta...
Salt & Tar: Episode 70-Not Mistakes, Lessons
Salt & Tar
Published: Jan 16, 2020
Salt & Tar: Episode 70-Not Mistakes, Lessons
Multiple projects and one big mess. It's hard to keep things organized when you also want to get things done. Sometimes you just have to sacrifice. That's the thing with boats... If you know, then I don't need to explain further, if you don't but have a bo...