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Sailing through pirates: drive shaft failure – Sailboat rally Pt 5 – Ep 212
Published: Sep 20, 2020
Sailing through pirates: drive shaft failure – Sailboat rally Pt 5 – Ep 212
We are sailing through pirates in high risk waters off the coast of northern Borneo. Imagine how you would feel if you had a sailboat drive shaft failure and became sitting ducks... Six boats are taking part in the only rally happening in the world right ...
Tiny GIRL vs BIG Ocean [EP 62] | Sailing Millennial Falcon
Sailing Millennial Falcon
Published: Sep 02, 2019
Tiny GIRL vs BIG Ocean [EP 62] | Sailing Millennial Falcon
We start the episode one day into crossing the Atlantic Ocean to Bermuda which turned out to be a great day of sailing! A couple of days later and the weather takes a turn for the worst as we experience sailing while being surrounded by lightening and then...
Sleepless Nights in Guadeloupe [EP 47] | Sailing Millennial Falcon
Sailing Millennial Falcon
Published: Apr 16, 2019
Sleepless Nights in Guadeloupe [EP 47] | Sailing Millennial Falcon
We sail from Domenica to Basse Terre in Guadeloupe learning some sailing lessons along the way, after a few sleepless nights, we move on towards Pidgeon Island. About Us Adam and Khiara are making sailing videos and adventures around the world on our 198...
The Great Escape [EP 42] | Sailing Millennial Falcon
Sailing Millennial Falcon
Published: Mar 04, 2019
The Great Escape [EP 42] | Sailing Millennial Falcon
The teak deck gets faired (aka made smooth and silky) and we put on the first few coats of paint, meanwhile the bolts that had broken the week before arrive!!! But, the joy is short lived when we realise that something is wrong with them. Thankfully, we g...
Another Day in Paradise [EP 39] | Sailing Millennial Falcon
Sailing Millennial Falcon
Published: Feb 19, 2019
Another Day in Paradise [EP 39] | Sailing Millennial Falcon
'Does it ever end?!!' - Khiara P Direct quote from a grumpy Khiara as she spends day after day hammering her thumb while taking up 1 cm pieces of teak decks. Yep, the constant work is starting to get to us a little bit in this episode. The yard plays a g...