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We Finally Got the Mast Up! (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 70)
Calico Skies Sailing
Published: Jan 03, 2021
We Finally Got the Mast Up! (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 70)
It's a big day...after nearly a month of being without a mast it is being re-stepped! We took it down for inspection after the rig failed off Cape Hatteras and while it was down we added an exit point for a second spinnaker halyard and replaced/upgraded o...
Christmas Came Early! Lithium Batteries from Delos (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep.69)
Calico Skies Sailing
Published: Dec 27, 2020
Christmas Came Early! Lithium Batteries from Delos (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep.69)
In this episode Bill is working on some rig upgrades since the mast is down - It had to be removed because a rod head popped when he was solo sailing Calico Skies offshore the east coast of the US, near Beaufort North Carolina. He begins by removing all te...