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Showing 1-7 of 7 results
How I Lived 100% Off-Grid For 8 Months Straight (Unlimited Freedom!)
Adventureman Dan
Published: Jan 31, 2023
How I Lived 100% Off-Grid For 8 Months Straight (Unlimited Freedom!)
This is a simple video breakdown of how I've lived off-grid non-stop for the past eight months. Along with some inspiration & motivation to help get out there and doing this for yourself. This lifestyle of true freedom was not easy to achieve. And too...
Growing greens at sea, a short video on sprouting.
Free Range Living
Published: Aug 03, 2020
Growing greens at sea, a short video on sprouting.
In this short video I demonstrate a simple way to grow sprouts in your home kitchen or galley, as well as, some common traps and troubleshooting to be aware of when you start. For more information you can also visit an accompanying article to this video ...
Kimchi and Sprouts Aboard – Seasteading E.3 (Sailing w/the Litzenbergers)
Sailing with the Litzenbergers
Published: Mar 12, 2019
Kimchi and Sprouts Aboard – Seasteading E.3 (Sailing w/the Litzenbergers)
Spence tries his hand at some fermentation aboard. He makes Kimchi and then sprouts a bit. It helps us stay healthy aboard and gives us some greens! ***Help us out and buy some merchandise: ***...
Ep 116 | Installing the Radar and Auto Pilot, Sailing Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
Published: Oct 18, 2018
Ep 116 | Installing the Radar and Auto Pilot, Sailing Nutshell
It’s been a big week for the installation of lovely new toys for Nutshell. Magnus makes good parts of the old auto pilot and installs the new one and he gets the radar up and running. Nutshell is getting more modern by the day. The little boat jobs cont...
Ep 114 | Seized Starter Motor, Again! Sailing Nutshell
Life in a Nutshell
Published: Oct 04, 2018
Ep 114 | Seized Starter Motor, Again! Sailing Nutshell
We finally arrive back at our beloved Nutshell. Fortunately she is in pretty good shape and the clove oil seemed to have kept most of the mould at bay. There’s loads of cleaning to be done. Magnus works on our engine, Izzy, yet again to try and get her ...
STUCK in The Boot Key Harbor Vortex – Bums on a Boat Ep 32
Bums on a Boat
Published: Feb 01, 2018
STUCK in The Boot Key Harbor Vortex – Bums on a Boat Ep 32
We attempt to make a getaway when we finally get a break in the weather and GPS issues bring us back. A couple nasty cold fronts blow through pinning us in Marathon. On the plus side, this gave us some time to begin our sprouting process on the boat! Bye J...
We Live and Die by the Sprouts (Extras ~Bums on a Boat)
Bums on a Boat
Published: Jan 17, 2016
We Live and Die by the Sprouts (Extras ~Bums on a Boat)
I short video describing one of our main food sources on our journey. Sprouts are the perfect food for any sea voyager. They contain higher vitamin and mineral contents than any other food source available at sea. They are easy to grow, store well, and are...