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Growing greens at sea, a short video on sprouting.
Free Range Living
Published: Aug 03, 2020
Growing greens at sea, a short video on sprouting.
In this short video I demonstrate a simple way to grow sprouts in your home kitchen or galley, as well as, some common traps and troubleshooting to be aware of when you start. For more information you can also visit an accompanying article to this video ...
Kimchi and Sprouts Aboard – Seasteading E.3 (Sailing w/the Litzenbergers)
Sailing with the Litzenbergers
Published: Mar 12, 2019
Kimchi and Sprouts Aboard – Seasteading E.3 (Sailing w/the Litzenbergers)
Spence tries his hand at some fermentation aboard. He makes Kimchi and then sprouts a bit. It helps us stay healthy aboard and gives us some greens! ***Help us out and buy some merchandise: ***...
We Live and Die by the Sprouts (Extras ~Bums on a Boat)
Bums on a Boat
Published: Jan 17, 2016
We Live and Die by the Sprouts (Extras ~Bums on a Boat)
I short video describing one of our main food sources on our journey. Sprouts are the perfect food for any sea voyager. They contain higher vitamin and mineral contents than any other food source available at sea. They are easy to grow, store well, and are...