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VIAJE A LA SELVA EN CASA RODANTE – Selva Negra, Alemania. (#33)
Published: May 01, 2018
VIAJE A LA SELVA EN CASA RODANTE – Selva Negra, Alemania. (#33)
Hola mi gente bella, les dejo mi video sobre nuestro viaje en caravana a la selva negra. Gracias por su apoyo y a los nuevos suscriptores les mando un abrazote. Muchas gracias por seguirnos y a todos los que nos apoyan, a las nuevas suscripciones ------...
We Went to the Black Forest! (Snippet 7)
Wild We Roam
Published: Jul 05, 2016
We Went to the Black Forest! (Snippet 7)
Every year my grandmother goes to a nice hotel in the Schwarzwald for a little vacation, and this year we got to join! My parents, uncles, aunts, and cousins were all there and we spent the beautiful weekend hiking, biking, swimming, and eating seven cours...