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Ep089 Blackwater Tank Baffles and Workshop Cleanup – Building A Catamaran Australia
Life On The Hulls
Published: Nov 04, 2019
Ep089 Blackwater Tank Baffles and Workshop Cleanup – Building A Catamaran Australia
Planning to leave my project for a few weeks break, my attention is turned to my Composites Workshop and the tidy up is often more about preparing for the next stage than cleaning up. My blackwater tanks get some new baffles in them to solve the problem of...
Rare Wildlife and Nightmares on Balearic’s Goat Island Ep40
Mothership Adrift Travel and Sailing
Published: Jul 21, 2019
Rare Wildlife and Nightmares on Balearic’s Goat Island Ep40
While waiting for a weather window to cross from the Balearics to Sardinia, we sail to Isla De Cabrera ( Goat Island) and apply for a permit to stay the night. That evening, we have a drink or an expensive nightmare as described by Woody and the next morni...