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“Philosophy of Sailing”–the Book
Christian Williams
Published: Jul 07, 2018
“Philosophy of Sailing”–the Book
"Philosophy of Sailing: Offshore in Search of the Universe," by Christian Williams. East Wind Press, 2018. 280 pages with 40 illustrations, Preparation Guide, Toolbox of Books and Glossary of Nautical Terms. Audiobook and Kindle edition also available at...
Cruising Lealea,Two Souls and a Cat: The First Voyage Part 2
Cruising Lealea
Published: Aug 05, 2017
Cruising Lealea,Two Souls and a Cat: The First Voyage Part 2
Part 2 of Lealea's first long voyage from Hawaii to Neah Bay, WA. Sailing the Pacific in our Albin Vega 27' sailboat. We thank you for your support. You can help keep the videos coming by becoming a patron. Visit Cruising Lealea on Patreon. https://w...
“Alone Together: Sailing Solo to Hawaii and Beyond” — the Book
Christian Williams
Published: Mar 07, 2016
“Alone Together: Sailing Solo to Hawaii and Beyond” — the Book
Available at Amazon. "Alone Together: Sailing Solo to Hawaii and Beyond" by Christian Williams. East Wind Press, 286 pages. Pub date March 6, 2016. Watch the YouTube Video here: In 15 years at The Washington P...