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Showing 13-16 of 16 results
021: Stowaway African Migrants, Big Ships and Rough Seas on Passage to Malta
Mothership Adrift Travel and Sailing
Published: Jul 29, 2018
021: Stowaway African Migrants, Big Ships and Rough Seas on Passage to Malta
In the last blog we sailed the Cyclades and finally set sail from Crete to Malta! We picked up new companions at sea – migrant birds heading across the Mediterranean Sea from Africa to Europe - maybe housemartins, swifts or swallows - and they used the ...
020: Sailing the Cyclades to Crete – Knossos Palace, Earthquakes, Dinosaurs and Minotaurs
Mothership Adrift Travel and Sailing
Published: Jul 15, 2018
020: Sailing the Cyclades to Crete – Knossos Palace, Earthquakes, Dinosaurs and Minotaurs
The last blog was about returning from England and Woody's experiences in Aegina - a visit to the Parthenon and witnessing a live sea rescue. In this blog we leave Aegina and head down through Cyclades to Crete and beyond! Our first stop was Russian Bay,...
Ep 18. Super yachts, Seasickness & night sailing (Sailing Susan Ann II)
The Daley Adventure
Published: Feb 10, 2018
Ep 18. Super yachts, Seasickness & night sailing (Sailing Susan Ann II)
Episode 18. Super yachts, Seasickness & night sailing. This week on Susan Ann II we start our journey down to the Canary Islands in order to be there in time for the start of the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers. First stop of course has to be Monaco and...
Ocean Crossings – Our Experiences on Long Passages (Sailing Zatara Z-Log)
Sailing Zatara
Published: Oct 22, 2017
Ocean Crossings – Our Experiences on Long Passages (Sailing Zatara Z-Log)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: Crossing an ocean is an emotional and exhilarating experience. Here we discuss some of the struggles that go along with making non-stop ocean cro...