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Showing 1-12 of 12 results
Sailing to Mexico – Leaving The Salish Sea
Sailing Sea Dream of Clyde
Published: Dec 26, 2023
Sailing to Mexico – Leaving The Salish Sea
Ahoy Folks! Sorry it has been a little while since the last video: Wifi and time to edit were hard to come by as we sailed down the wild west coast of the Baja Peninsula! In this one, we awake at the beautiful Dungeness Spit, which we arrived at the prev...
We Sail Out Into The Ocean & Get A Little Help From The Coast Guard Vlog#3
Sailing Decorum
Published: May 15, 2020
We Sail Out Into The Ocean & Get A Little Help From The Coast Guard Vlog#3
Vlog#3 We got an early start as we had a long sail ahead of us, head up the Straight of Juan da Fuca. It was dead calm so we motored along and got some boat jobs done. Once we got to the mouth of the straight we got some pretty good headwind and managed t...
Yacht Delivery Chronicles: A Work Day Onboard and a Battle with Razor Clams in Neah Bay
Sailing Triteia
Published: Nov 04, 2019
Yacht Delivery Chronicles: A Work Day Onboard and a Battle with Razor Clams in Neah Bay
Season 5 Episode 94 - Fixing more broken systems on the ship. On this weeks episode we work on some of the many systems of the boat that need attention as storms pass overhead one after another. After repairing the water tank hose, relocating the VHF a...
Yacht Delivery Chronicles: Exploring Port Angeles, Neah Bay and Cape Flattery in the PNW
Sailing Triteia
Published: Oct 28, 2019
Yacht Delivery Chronicles: Exploring Port Angeles, Neah Bay and Cape Flattery in the PNW
Season 5 Episode 93 - A lay day on shore exploring the Pacific Northwest On this weeks episode we settle in for a few days in Neah Bay due to an approaching weather front and make our way to Port Angeles to rent a car for the day. The skies cleared for...
Making Repairs In Miserable Weather Onboard Lifestyle ep.86
Onboard Lifestyle
Published: Oct 25, 2019
Making Repairs In Miserable Weather Onboard Lifestyle ep.86
On this week's episode of Onboard Lifestyle we leave Port Angeles and have a nice sail to Neah Bay on our custom 435 catamaran SV basik. Back to back weather systems force us to stay put for a few days while we make repairs and look for that next weather w...
Yacht Delivery Chronicles: Sailing up the Salish Sea to Neah Bay in the Pacific Northwest
Sailing Triteia
Published: Oct 21, 2019
Yacht Delivery Chronicles: Sailing up the Salish Sea to Neah Bay in the Pacific Northwest
Season 5 Episode 92 - Sailing from Port Townsend to Neah Bay On this weeks episode we set off with high hopes of getting some sea miles behind us. The Auto pilot returned to its previous behavior and before long it was joined by an engine alarm as we bega...
Cruising Lealea,Two Souls and a Cat: The First Voyage Part 2
Cruising Lealea
Published: Aug 05, 2017
Cruising Lealea,Two Souls and a Cat: The First Voyage Part 2
Part 2 of Lealea's first long voyage from Hawaii to Neah Bay, WA. Sailing the Pacific in our Albin Vega 27' sailboat. We thank you for your support. You can help keep the videos coming by becoming a patron. Visit Cruising Lealea on Patreon. https://w...
16. Sailing Maiweh: Campbell to Cape Flattery
Published: Sep 06, 2016
16. Sailing Maiweh: Campbell to Cape Flattery
We finally get to take a look at the underside of Maiweh, and work on the hull, valve, and rudder. The squeeze is on for time and money, so the project lasts only about a week. After that, we're on to Vancouver and where Robi acquires a US visa before cros...
Sailing the Pacific Coast: Restart – Leaving Neah Bay
Cruising Lealea
Published: Dec 18, 2010
Sailing the Pacific Coast: Restart – Leaving Neah Bay
Heading out again from Neah Bay for San Diego after seeking refuge from an earlier storm. Returning to Hawaii after four years cruising the Pacific Northwest our daily logs continue to tell the story. For more sailing adventures see our other Playlists:...
Sailing the Pacific Coast: Refuge, Neah Bay
Cruising Lealea
Published: Dec 16, 2010
Sailing the Pacific Coast: Refuge, Neah Bay
After taking a beating from high winds and big seas off the Washington and British Columbia Pacific Coast we made for the shelter of Neah Bay during a break in the weather. Now in port, Chuck talks about the experience. Returning to Hawaii after four ye...
Cat Checks out Sea Lions
Cruising Lealea
Published: Nov 27, 2010
Cat Checks out Sea Lions
Bree T. Cat checking out the Sea Lions in Neah Bay, Washington. Returning to Hawaii after four years cruising the Pacific Northwest our daily logs continue to tell the story. For more sailing adventures see our other Playlists: "Honolulu: The Beginning...
Sailing Across the Pacific – Day 55 Landfall (At Last!)
Cruising Lealea
Published: Sep 14, 2010
Sailing Across the Pacific – Day 55 Landfall (At Last!)
On their 55th day at sea after leaving Hawaii, our crew arrives at Neah Bay, Washington. For more sailing adventures see our other Playlists: "Honolulu: The Beginning" - "Cruising Le...