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Showing 1-12 of 36 results
THE AFTERMATH after 70 days of Exile
Published: Jul 25, 2020
THE AFTERMATH after 70 days of Exile
We are back. We look back at the trip and see what we could have done better. We also look at what the trip cost us both financially and emotionally. The financial cost was easy, it was very little but the emotional cost keeps going and going and we go thr...
Published: Jul 17, 2020
A pirate in the night, I think with this episode you just need to watch it....suffice to say that it scared the $h!t out of me and Margarida. And some other stuff happened...just watch it...go on...I dare you... Give it a thumbs up if you liked this epi...
The Charts are wrong, we can’t find the island
Published: Jul 11, 2020
The Charts are wrong, we can’t find the island
We arrive very early to the region where our charts say there is an island and reef... but we can't find it... the charts are wrong. It takes almost 8 hours to eventually get there with Margarida starving and know the drill by now. Find food ...
Stranded and living off the sea
Published: Jun 26, 2020
Stranded and living off the sea
We have to leave Nuevo Cay but we delay it as long as possible in order to get food and stock up. But when we search for another reef it isn't where it is supposed to be on the charts. We have to heave-to and wait for better light but it doesn't look good ...
Survival on the smallest island in the Caribbean
Published: Jun 19, 2020
Survival on the smallest island in the Caribbean
While sailing we have been caught out by the VIRUS and cannot enter any country. We have to somehow make do until the world becomes normal again. So we set sail for a reef in the middle of nowhere, 272 nautical miles off the coast of Nicaragua. We have no ...
BREAKING POINT the reality of living stranded
Published: Jun 16, 2020
BREAKING POINT the reality of living stranded
Our relationship gets to a breaking point. The strain of the past couple of weeks with Margarida's seasickness, lack of sleep and anxiety about where we can sail to be safe is causing grief. There is a solution but it seems they can't be found out in the m...
REJECTED by yet another country, will there be any end to this!
Published: Jun 11, 2020
REJECTED by yet another country, will there be any end to this!
We have just been kicked out of Haiti now too. So after being kicked out of Cuba 2 weeks ago, finding no refuge in Domincian Republic, Haiti is just the icing on the cake. Where can we go now? It seems hopeless but with some good skills and common sense we...
Published: Jun 05, 2020
After a failed attempt to get into the Dominican Republic we are still stuck at sea with no where to go, but our faith is bigger and we try again. Give it a thumbs up if you liked this episode! Want more? Became our patron and get access to exclusive con...
The Windward Passage – Talking Trash [🎥28🇯🇲]
The Sailing Family
Published: Apr 20, 2020
The Windward Passage – Talking Trash [🎥28🇯🇲]
This is Part 2 of our Windward Passage video - Happy Earth Day all! After seeing up to 44 knots in our previous video, the wind all but died as we sailed behind Haiti. Another change was the significant amount of trash we started seeing in the water, which...
40 knots in the Windward Passage – Bare Pole Sailing! [🎥27🇯🇲]
The Sailing Family
Published: Apr 13, 2020
40 knots in the Windward Passage – Bare Pole Sailing! [🎥27🇯🇲]
The Windward Passage is a notoriously bad place to go sailing, especially when the winds are up. We had a mild forecast but the winds were double what we expected. And of course, it happened on a moonless night where it got really, really dark. With the ...
q&d_009_Arrested and thrown in Jail – Stories from the International Rescue Group (sailing ZERO)
sailing ZERO
Published: Apr 23, 2017
q&d_009_Arrested and thrown in Jail – Stories from the International Rescue Group (sailing ZERO)
Ahoy, first of all. No ZERO is not in the Bahamas. I was! But just for a few days to visit a friend on my way to Germany. ZERO is still in San Diego and the next episode will continue where the last one ended. This special video is about the IRG. The Int...
Kika’s Birthday Spreader Jump — Sailing Uma [Step 63]
Sailing Uma
Published: Mar 10, 2017
Kika’s Birthday Spreader Jump — Sailing Uma [Step 63]
There was a few last minute things to do in Cap Haitien before leaving Haiti and heading to the DR. But first, it was my Birthday! So we needed to celebrate it right. For my birthday, I not only had the most awesome surprise from Dan and our Cap friends, b...